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File: src/Response/Features/DomTreeCommands.php

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File: src/Response/Features/DomTreeCommands.php
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 * DomTreeCommands.php - Provides DOM (HTML) related commands for the Response
 * @author Thierry Feuzeu <>
 * @license BSD 3-Clause License
 * @link

namespace Jaxon\Response\Features;

     * Add a response command to the array of commands that will be sent to the browser
     * @param string $sName The command name
     * @param array $aAttributes Associative array of attributes that will describe the command
     * @param mixed $mData The data to be associated with this command
     * @param boolean $bRemoveEmpty If true, remove empty attributes
     * @return Response
abstract protected function _addCommand($sName, array $aAttributes, $mData, $bRemoveEmpty = false);

     * Add a command to start a DOM response
     * @return Response
public function domStartResponse()
$this->_addCommand('DSR', [], '');

     * Add a command to create a DOM element
     * @param string $variable The DOM element name (id or class)
     * @param string $tag The HTML tag of the new DOM element
     * @return Response
public function domCreateElement($variable, $tag)
$aAttributes = ['tgt' => $variable];
$this->_addCommand('DCE', $aAttributes, $tag);

     * Add a command to set an attribute on a DOM element
     * @param string $variable The DOM element name (id or class)
     * @param string $key The name of the attribute
     * @param string $value The value of the attribute
     * @return Response
public function domSetAttribute($variable, $key, $value)
$aAttributes = [
'tgt' => $variable,
'key' => $key
$this->_addCommand('DSA', $aAttributes, $value);

     * Add a command to remove children from a DOM element
     * @param string $parent The DOM parent element
     * @param string $skip The number of children to skip
     * @param string $remove The number of children to remove
     * @return Response
public function domRemoveChildren($parent, $skip = '', $remove = '')
$aAttributes = [
'skip' => $skip,
'remove' => $remove
$this->_addCommand('DRC', $aAttributes, $parent, true);

     * Add a command to append a child to a DOM element
     * @param string $parent The DOM parent element
     * @param string $variable The DOM element name (id or class)
     * @return Response
public function domAppendChild($parent, $variable)
$aAttributes = ['par' => $parent];
$this->_addCommand('DAC', $aAttributes, $variable);

     * Add a command to insert a DOM element before another
     * @param string $target The DOM target element
     * @param string $variable The DOM element name (id or class)
     * @return Response
public function domInsertBefore($target, $variable)
$aAttributes = ['tgt' => $target];
$this->_addCommand('DIB', $aAttributes, $variable);

     * Add a command to insert a DOM element after another
     * @param string $target The DOM target element
     * @param string $variable The DOM element name (id or class)
     * @return Response
public function domInsertAfter($target, $variable)
$aAttributes = ['tgt' => $target];
$this->_addCommand('DIA', $aAttributes, $variable);

     * Add a command to append a text to a DOM element
     * @param string $parent The DOM parent element
     * @param string $text The HTML text to append
     * @return Response
public function domAppendText($parent, $text)
$aAttributes = ['par' => $parent];
$this->_addCommand('DAT', $aAttributes, $text);

     * Add a command to end a DOM response
     * @return Response
public function domEndResponse()
$this->_addCommand('DER', [], '');