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File: cfg/cfg.RestServer.php

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  Classes of Kjell-Inge Gustafsson   PHP REST API Server   cfg/cfg.RestServer.php   Download  
File: cfg/cfg.RestServer.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: PHP REST API Server
REST API server handling requests with callbacks
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 7,253 bytes



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     * restServer, a PSR HTTP Message rest server implementation
     * This file is a part of restServer.
     * Copyright 2018 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved
     * Link
     * Version 0.9.123
     * License Subject matter of licence is the software restServer.
     * The above copyright, link, package and version notices and
     * this licence notice shall be included in all copies or
     * substantial portions of the restServer.
     * restServer can be used either under the terms of
     * a proprietary license, available at <>
     * or the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3:
     * restServer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
     * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
     * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
     * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     * restServer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
     * License along with this program.
     * If not, see <>.

namespace Kigkonsult\RestServer;

// use Kigkonsult\RestServer\Handlers\RequestMethodHandler;
// use Kigkonsult\RestServer\Handlers\CorsHandler;
// use Kigkonsult\RestServer\Handlers\AuthenticationHandler;

     * Configuration for RestServer
     * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson <>
     * A strong recommendation is to place config outside webserver document root.
     * Use all RestServer configs as templates and concatenate into your own one.
$config = [];

     * Most config keys have only test or default values set,
     * include ONLY on changes!!

    /** ************************************************************************
     * correlation-id
     * unique session id, if NOT set here is it automatically generated
     * value type : string
$config[RestServer::CORRELATIONID] = RestServer::getGuid();

/** ************************************************************************
     * baseUri
     * Part of request Uri to ELIMINATE to match service uri
     * ex1. server is invoked using
     * 'http://localhost/www/index.php'
     * and
     * your service uri (routes) is like '/', then
     * baseUri = 'index.php'
     * ex2. server is invoked using
     * 'http://localhost/www/index.php/user'
     * and
     * your service uri (routes) is like '/user', then
     * baseUri = 'index.php'
     * ex3. server is invoked using
     * ''
     * and
     * your service routes has an request URI like '/user', then
     * baseUri = ''
     * Default : the file(/script) the RestServer class is invoked from
     * Will ease up going from test to production environment
     * value type : string
// $config[RestServer::BASEURI] = 'index.php';

    /** ************************************************************************
     * Default are all request methods allowed
     * If you do NOT want to allow some (ex HEAD and OPTIONS methods), activate below.
     * Otherwice (default) allowed are
     * request method HEAD only if any service method GET exists
     * i.e. no HEAD service required, will pick GET service
     * request method OPTIONS
     * note, an OPTIONS (non-CORS/preflight) request will automatically
     * create a response with
     * header (Allow) containing all service definition request-methods
     * a response body (json string) with ALL (attached) request methods and targets,
     * (as for now) regardless of current request target!
     *value type : array
$config[RestServer::DISALLOW] = [

    /** ************************************************************************
     * Configuration for the (optional) builtin IpHandler
     * See cfg.1.ip.php for more details.
     * value type : array
     * Note, NO $config[IpHandler::IPHEADER] means no IP mgnt,
// $config[IpHandler::IPHEADER] = include 'cfg/cfg.1.ip.php';

    /** ************************************************************************
     * Configuration for the (optional) builtin CorsHandler
     * Note, OPTIONS (above) must be allowed to manage preflights requests
     * See cfg.2.cors.php for more details.
     * value type : array
     * Note, NO $config[CorsHandler::CORS] means no cors mgnt,
// $config[CorsHandler::CORS] = include 'cfg/cfg.2.cors.php';

    /** ************************************************************************
     * Configuration for the (optional) builtin AuthenticationHandler
     * See cfg.3.auth.php for more details.
     * value type : array
     * Note, NO $config[AuthenticationHandler::AUTHORIZATION] means no auth mgnt,
// $config[AuthenticationHandler::AUTHORIZATION] = include 'cfg/cfg.3.auth.php';

    /** ************************************************************************
     * Opt. debug logging
     * value type : bool
     * Require a logger class instance is set (RestServer::setLogger())
// config[RestServer::DEBUG] = true;

    /** ************************************************************************
     * Opt. configuration
     * for the builtin ContentTypeHandler/EncodingHandler
     * See cfg.56.cte.php for more details.
     * value type : array
// $config += include './cfg.56.cte.php';

    /** ************************************************************************
     * Add a rest service definition
     * see docs/TemplateService.php for implementation
     * value type : array [ string|string[], string, callable ]
$config[restServer::SERVICES][] = [
    RestServer::METHOD => <method>
    RestServer::URI => <uri>,
    RestServer::CALLBACK => <callable>

    /** ************************************************************************
     * Add a custom handler
     * see docs/TemplateHandler.php for implementation
     * value type : callable
// $config[restServer::HANDLERS][] = <callable>;

    /** ************************************************************************
     * Add a final custom handler
     * see docs/TemplateHandler.php for implementation
     * value type : callable
// $config[restServer::FINALHANDLER] = <callable>;

    /** ************************************************************************
     * Return config
return $config;