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File: cfg/cfg.1.ip.php

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  Classes of Kjell-Inge Gustafsson   PHP REST API Server   cfg/cfg.1.ip.php   Download  
File: cfg/cfg.1.ip.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: PHP REST API Server
REST API server handling requests with callbacks
Author: By
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Date: 5 years ago
Size: 5,956 bytes



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 * restServer, a PSR HTTP Message rest server implementation
 * This file is a part of restServer.
 * Copyright 2018 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved
 * Link
 * Version 0.9.123
 * License Subject matter of licence is the software restServer.
 * The above copyright, link, package and version notices and
 * this licence notice shall be included in all copies or
 * substantial portions of the restServer.
 * restServer can be used either under the terms of
 * a proprietary license, available at <>
 * or the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3:
 * restServer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * restServer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
 * License along with this program.
 * If not, see <>.

namespace Kigkonsult\RestServer;


     * Configuration for the builtin IpHandler
     * The handler is optional.
     * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson <>
     * NOTE, do NOT rely on IP numbers!
     * BUT if you are using a proxy or are inside an internal network...
     * include example
     * $config[IpHandler::IPHEADER] = include 'cfg/cfg.1.ip.php';
$ipCfg = [];

     * Ignore all IP header(s)
     * value type : bool
     * default false (or not set)
$ipCfg[RestServer::IGNORE] = true;

     * Default for (opt) logging
     * response status 4xx results in logging with prio warning
     * response status 500 results in logging with prio error

     * StatusCode for response if expected IPnum not found,
     * value type : int|array
     * default 403, 'Forbidden', set only here if other !!
     * Due to security, you can alter logging prio to error
     * using value type array : [ 403, RestServer::ERROR ]
$ipCfg[IpHandler::ERRORCODE1] = 403;

     * Network ranges to find a match for Ipnumber
     * IPv4 network ranges can be specified as:
     * 0. Accept all IPs: * // warning, use it on your own risk, accepts all
     * 1. Wildcard format: 1.2.3.*
     * 2. CIDR format: 1.2.3/24 OR
     * 3. Start-End IP format:
     * 4. Specific IP:
     * IPv6 network ranges can be specified as:
     * 0. Accept all IPs: * // warning, use it on your own risk, accepts all
     * 2. CIDR format: fe80:1:2:3:a:bad:1dea:dad/82
     * 3. Start-End IP format: 3ffe:f200:0234:ab00:0123:4567:1:20-3ffe:f200:0234:ab00:0123:4567:1:30
     * 4. Specific IP: fe80:1:2:3:a:bad:1dea:dad
     * You can combine one or more ranges, also mix IPv4 and IPv6 ranges.
     * Every header value can have a individual range array
     * value type : array
$range = [

     * Header value(s) to examine (in order) and corr. range
     * No or empty array will give NO examination, compare IGNORE above.
     * SubKey REQUIRED
     * true : a match for the header value is mandatory
     * false : (or no key) one match in any header values is mandatory
     * In case of more than one IPnum in header FORWARDED or FORWARDED_FOR
     * Examination depth : ALL - all IPnums in header
     * FIRST - first only (originating client)
     * LAST - the most recent proxy
$ipCfg[IpHandler::EXAMINE] = [];

     * FORWARDED header value to examine and range
     * Both sub-fields 'for' and opt. 'by' are examinated (in order)
     * value type : array
$ipCfg[IpHandler::EXAMINE][IpHandler::FORWARDED] = [
IpHandler::REQUIRED => false,
IpHandler::RANGE => [
IpHandler::FIRST => $range,
IpHandler::LAST => $range,

     * FORWARDED_FOR header value to examine and find in range
     * The first being the original client, and each successive proxy BUT the last
     * value type : array
$ipCfg[IpHandler::EXAMINE][IpHandler::FORWARDED_FOR] = [
IpHandler::REQUIRED => false,
IpHandler::RANGE => [
IpHandler::FIRST => $range,
IpHandler::LAST => $range,

     * CLIENT_IP header value to examine and find in range
     * value type : array
$ipCfg[IpHandler::EXAMINE][IpHandler::CLIENT_IP] = [
IpHandler::REQUIRED => false,
IpHandler::RANGE => $range,

     * REMOTE_ADDR header value to examine and find in range
     * value type : array
$ipCfg[IpHandler::EXAMINE][IpHandler::REMOTE_ADDR] = [
IpHandler::REQUIRED => false,
IpHandler::RANGE => $range,

     * REFERER header value to examine and find in range
     * value type : array
$ipCfg[IpHandler::EXAMINE][IpHandler::REFERER] = [
IpHandler::REQUIRED => false,
IpHandler::RANGE => $range,

/** ************************************************************************
     * Add to main config
     * <code>
     * $config[IpHandler::IPHEADER] = include 'cfg/cfg.1.ip.php';
     * </code>
return $ipCfg;