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  Classes of Abed Nego Ragil Putra   PHP Inventory Management System with Scanner   Download  
Role: Documentation
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Description: Documentation
Class: PHP Inventory Management System with Scanner
Manage inventory stock using scanner application
Author: By
Last change: Update of
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 2,793 bytes



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See in more detail the amount of your product stock, and see every purchase or sale. You don't need a barcode scanner to increase or decrease the number of your products, because with the Android Application, you can scan barcodes quickly and efficiently.

<img src="">

Buy the source code Android + System management?


  • Add user
  • Delete user
  • Register new user sent to email token
  • Forget password
  • Role user
  • Edit user profile
  • List Product
  • Full API
  • Export data to PDF or XLS
  • Generate invoice
  • Export invoice to PDF or XLS
  • Dowload the barcode (EAN13)
  • More

User Level

  • admin
  • staff


  • Pass : 1234567890
  • User :


<b>(You need install Inventory Stock With Scanner on Google Play for attendance) this system can't working without the application</b> <br><br> *This application can't working without Inventory Stock With Scanner application, so please download first on Google Play.* <br><br>

Install (first the system and then the application)

<h2>The system managemnet (LARAVEL)</h2> <p>

1. Download & extract the file and place it in a public folder on your hosting

</p> <p>

2. Import the SQL file (inventory_store.sql)

</p> <p>

3. Settings<br>
Settings Database go to (<strong>.env</strong>)

</p> <p> 4. Try to visit your website (http://YourDomainName/inventory-stock-system/public/login) </p> <p> 5. Finished for the system management </p>

<h2>Application (Android)</h2> <p>

1. Build the android project from Android Studio or another software. You
can testing with your Android smartphone, or build the app-debug.apk and
install it to your Android smartphone. More info visit this <a href=
"">Build and run your app</a>

</p> <p>

2. Go to -&gt; Settings

</p> <p>

3. Fill the data such as the URL where system is located, and the KEY (get the key form management system, log in first -> after that go to Company Details-&gt; and you can find the KEY, another way you can just scan the QR and automatic will save the data).<br>

<img src="" width="300"> </p> <p>

4. Finished for the installations.


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The MIT License (MIT).

Copyright (c) 2019, Abed Putra.

Please feel free to send me an email if you have any problems. Thank you so much, my email :