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File: README.txt

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File: README.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Readme file for class
Class: IMDb_Fetch
Retrieve information about movies from IMDB
Author: By
Last change: Added some information.
Date: 17 years ago
Size: 3,519 bytes



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Copyright notice and creds A class to retrive information out from IMDb about movies. Select what information to fetch for yourself. Add as many movies as you like. Copyrighted by Mikael Brevik @ IMPORTANT ::: Disclaimer You MUST read through the "License and Site Access" section of IMDb's "Copyright and Conditions of Use" site before doing anything with this! Be sure that you don't break any rules or statments in their licensing. I, Mikael Brevik, will take NO responsibility for your actions if you deside to break with any of these rules. Don't do anything illegal or use this class for illegal purposes. Installation: There is only one step, and it only counts if you are to be using mysql-caching: - Import the SQL-file in the compressed folder into your database. Do so through tools as phpMyAdmin or others Usage If you are using MySQL caching you must connect to MySQL and select DB before running any processing methods in the class. Also if you deside to use UTF-8, run these codes: // UTF-8 Fix header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); if($imdb->activate_mysql_cache) { mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8"); } You also might want to add a notice to the user that non-cached movies will take some time to load. Example of getting: - all info out of one movie (or more): $imdb = new IMDb_Fetch ('The Boondock Saints'); $imdb->all_details = true; print_r($imdb->get_result_array()); Example of getting: - rating, name, 4 of the cast and year of production from X movies: $imdb = new IMDb_Fetch (); $imdb->from_title = array ('tt0123456', 'The Boondock Saints'); $imdb->add_movie('Disturbia'); $imdb->show_year = true; $imdb->show_cast = 4; $imdb->show_rating = true; print_r($imdb->get_result_array()); Example of getting: - 10 videos from your Vote History with all details $imdb = new IMDb_Fetch (); $imdb->add_movie($imdb->get_votehistory('USERID', 10)); $imdb->all_details = true print_r($imdb->get_result_array()); (Vote history must be public!) The formating of the results is something you must take care of on your own. Use the class with care and please put a link to my site from the site that uses the script. My blog is at