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File: example.php

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  Classes of Khaled Al-Shamaa   Salat   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Salat
Calculate Muslim Prayer time based on location
Author: By
Last change: I was upload the wrong Example file, sorry ;-P this is the right one
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 4,257 bytes



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<meta name="Description" content="Muslim Prayer Times" />
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// Create a list of Arab Country Capitals
$lines = file('ArabCapitals.txt');

$lat = array();
$long = array();
$combo = '<select name="city">';

$lines as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
$info = split(',', $line);
$info[0] == $_POST['city'])? $x='selected' : $x='';
$combo .= "<option value=\"{$info[0]}\" $x>{$info[0]} - {$info[1]}</option>\n";
$lat[$info[0]] = $info[2];
$long[$info[0]] = $info[3];

$combo .= '</select>';

$day = '<select name="day">';
for (
$i = 1; $i < 32; $i++) {
$i == $_POST['day'])? $x='selected' : $x='';
$day .= "<option $x>$i</option>";

$day .= '</select>';

$month = '<select name="month">';
for (
$i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) {
$i == $_POST['month'])? $x='selected' : $x='';
$month .= "<option $x>$i</option>";

$month .= '</select>';

$year = '<select name="year">';
for (
$i = 2000; $i < 2011; $i++) {
$i == $_POST['year'])? $x='selected' : $x='';
$year .= "<option $x>$i</option>";

$year .= '</select>';

$zone = '<select name="zone">';
for (
$i = -8; $i <= 8; $i++) {
$i == $_POST['zone'])? $x='selected' : $x='';
$zone .= "<option $x>$i</option>";

$zone .= '</select>';

if (
$_POST['submit']) {
ini_set('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode', '1');

$Salat = new Salat();

$Salat->setLocation($long[$_POST['city']], $lat[$_POST['city']],
$Salat->setDate($_POST['day'], $_POST['month'], $_POST['year']);

$times = $Salat->getPrayTime();

"<b>Fajr:</b> {$times[0]}<br />";
"<b>Sunrise:</b> {$times[1]}<br />";
"<b>Zuhr:</b> {$times[2]}<br />";
"<b>Asr:</b> {$times[3]}<br />";
"<b>Maghrib:</b> {$times[4]}<br />";
"<b>Isha:</b> {$times[5]}<br /><hr />";

<form action="example.php" method="post">
<b>Select a city:</b> <?php echo $combo; ?><br /><br />
<b>Select a date:</b> <?php echo "$day / $month / $year"; ?><br /><br />
<b>Your time zone:</b> <?php echo $zone; ?><br /><br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Prayer Times" />
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" align="left">
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