PHP Classes

File: engine/modules/core/node/

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  Classes of Aldo Tripiciano   Quanta CMS   engine/modules/core/node/   Download  
File: engine/modules/core/node/
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Quanta CMS
Manage content that works without a database
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 6,045 bytes



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 * Implementation of hook_action_node_add.
 * There is a node add request.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function node_action_node_add($env, $vars) {
$response_json = NodeFactory::requestAction($env, $vars['data']['action'], $vars['data']);

 * Implements hook_action_node_edit.
 * There is a node edit request.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function node_action_node_edit($env, $vars) {
$response_json = NodeFactory::requestAction($env, $vars['data']['action'], $vars['data']);

 * Implements hook_action_node_delete.
 * There is a node delete request.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function node_action_node_delete($env, $vars) {
$response_json = NodeFactory::requestAction($env, $vars['data']['action'], $vars['data']);

 * Implements hook_load_includes().
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function node_load_includes($env, $vars) {
$module_path = $env->getModulePath('node');

$env->addInclude($module_path . '/js/node.js');
$env->addInclude($module_path . '/css/node.css');

 * Implemens hook_init().
 * Starts a node corresponding to the current page.
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function node_init($env, $vars) {

$node = NodeFactory::current($env);
// If the node does not exist, redirect to 404.
if (!$node->exists && !isset($_REQUEST['shadow']) && $node->name != '404') {
$node_404 = NodeFactory::load($env, '404');
    if (
$node_404->exists) {
    else {
'404 - Page not found.');
// If user can't access the node, redirect to 403.
else if ($env->request_path != '403' && $node->isForbidden() && !isset($_REQUEST['shadow'])) {
$node_403 = NodeFactory::load($env, '403');
    if (
$node_403->exists) {
    else {
'403 - Forbidden.');


 * Implements hook_shadow_node_form().
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function node_shadow_node_form($env, $vars) {
/** @var Shadow $shadow */
$shadow = $vars['shadow'];
$action_name = ($env->getContext() == NODE_ACTION_ADD ? 'create' : 'edit') . ' content';

$shadow->addTab($action_name, file_get_contents($env->getModulePath('node') . '/tpl/'), 1);
$shadow->addTab('manage metadata', file_get_contents($env->getModulePath('node') . '/tpl/'), 2);

 * Implements hook_shadow_node_delete_form().
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function node_shadow_node_delete_form($env, $vars) {
/** @var Shadow $shadow */
$shadow = $vars['shadow'];
$node = $shadow->getNode();

$has_access = NodeAccess::check($env, $env->getContext(), array('node' => $node));
  if (!
$has_access) {
// TODO: move this in access check!
new Message($env, 'User attempted to delete a node without access', MESSAGE_WARNING, MESSAGE_TYPE_LOG, 'node');
  else {
$shadow->addTab('Confirm Delete', $node->renderDeleteForm(), 1);
$shadow->addButton('edit-save', '<span style="color:green">&check;&nbsp;</span> Delete');


 * Implements hook_metadata().
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function node_metadata($env, $vars) {
// Setup body classes per each item in the current node lineage.
$node = NodeFactory::current($env);
$author = UserFactory::load($env, $node->getAuthor());

$vars['metadata']['charset'] = array(
'content' => 'utf-8',

$vars['metadata']['description'] = array(
'content' => filter_xss($node->getTeaser()),

$vars['metadata']['name'] = array(
'content' => filter_xss($author->getTitle()),

$vars['metadata']['application-name'] = array(
'content' => 'Quanta CMS',

// OG metadata.
$vars['metadata']['og:title'] = array(
'property' => 'og:title',
'content' => filter_xss($node->getTitle()),

$vars['metadata']['og:type'] = array(
'property' => 'og:type',
'content' => 'article',

$vars['metadata']['og:url'] = array(
'property' => 'og:url',
'content' => $env->getData('request_url'),

  if (!empty(
$node->getThumbnail())) {
$vars['metadata']['og:image'] = array(
'property' => 'og:image',
'content' => $env->getData('request_url') . $node->getThumbnail(),

$vars['metadata']['og:description'] = array(
'property' => 'og:description',
'content' => filter_xss($node->getTeaser()),

// Twitter metadata.
$vars['metadata']['twitter:description'] = array(
'content' => filter_xss($node->getTeaser()),

  if (!empty(
$node->getThumbnail())) {
$vars['metadata']['twitter:image'] = array(
'content' => $env->getData('request_url') . $node->getThumbnail(),

$vars['metadata']['twitter:title'] = array(
'content' => filter_xss($node->getTitle()),

$vars['metadata']['twitter:card'] = array(
'content' => filter_xss($node->getTeaser()),


 * Implements hook_body_classes().
 * @param Environment $env
 * The Environment.
 * @param array $vars
 * An array of variables.
function node_body_classes($env, $vars) {
// Setup body classes per each item in the current node lineage.
  // TODO: show
$node = NodeFactory::current($env);
$lineage = $node->getLineage();
  foreach (
$lineage as $lineage_node) {
$vars['page']->addData('body_classes', array('section-' . $lineage_node->name));
$vars['page']->addData('body_classes', array('page-' . $node->name));