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File: app/Support/Repository/

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  Classes of Kevinralph M Tenorio   Lumen API PureMVC MultiCore Framework for PHP   app/Support/Repository/   Download  
File: app/Support/Repository/
Role: Documentation
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Description: Readme
Class: Lumen API PureMVC MultiCore Framework for PHP
Implements repository pattern using Laravel Lumen
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Date: 6 years ago
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To start using the package, you just need to create a folder where you will place all your repository interfaces and the repository implementations and extend every single repository from the EloquentRepository class offered by the package.

The Eloquent model to be handled by the repository that you have created must also be injected via the Repo constructor.

The package then will try to load all the repository interfaces and bind them to a repository implementation according to the parameters specified in the config/repositories.php file.


NOTE: Although the package includes a generator, please read all the docs carefully as some things may look just "magic".

Let's consider we will have all our repositories in a folder called "Repositories", under a folder called "MyWebbApp" inside the "app" folder: app/MyWebApp/Repositories.

At the root of this folder we'll have all our interfaces following the next name convention: [RepositoryName]Interface.php

NOTE: It does not really matter the name that we use as long as we use "Interface" as suffix. This is important because the auto binder will try to find all files matching this pattern.

Inside this Repositories folder, we must have another folder called Eloquent, that will contain all our implementations for the repositories, following the next name convention: [RepositoryName].php.

We should have a structure like this:

+-- app
|   +-- MyApp
|       +-- Repositories
|           +-- UserRepositoryInterface.php
|           +-- RoleRepositoryInterface.php
|           +-- CommentRepositoryInterface.php
|           +-- PostRepositoryInterface.php
|           +-- Eloquent
|               +-- UserRepository.php
|               +-- RoleRepository.php
|               +-- CommentRepository.php
|               +-- PostRepository.php  

Let's see what the UserRepositoryInterface.php and the UserRepository.php would have.

namespace MyApp\Repositories;
use App\Repositories\Contracts\RepositoryInterface;
interface UserRepositoryInterface extends RepositoryInterface 
    // here you would write the contract for methods that your repository will implement.

namespace MyApp\Repositories\Eloquent;
use App\Repositories\EloquentRepository;
use App\Repositories\UserRepositoryInterface;
use App\Models\User;
class UserRepository extends EloquentRepository implements UserRepositoryInterface  
    public function __construct( User $user ) {
        parent::__construct( $user );
    // methods that your repository should implement...

Now we need to configure the config/repositories.php file to match our paths and namespace:

    'model_namespace' => 'App\Models',
    'repository_interfaces_namespace' => 'MyApp\Repositories',
    'criterias_namespace' => 'MyApp\Repositories\Criteria',

    'repositories_path' => app_path('MyApp/Repositories'),
    'criterias_path' => app_path('MyApp/Repositories/Criteria'),

All the parameters are properly explained in the file.

Now the repository is ready to be used and injected in other services or controllers:


namespace MyApp\Services\Users;

use App\Repositories\UserRepositoryInterface;

class UsersService implements UserServicesInterface  
    protected $usersRepository;
    public function __construct(UserRepositoryInterface $usersRepositoryInterface) 
        $this->usersRepository = $usersRepositoryInterface;
    // other methods in your service.

NOTE: This example assumes that you have configured your composer.json to autoload the files on app/MyApp with the MyApp namespace.

Methods shipped by default.

The repository package offers a series of methods by default. These are:

     * Finds one item by the provided field.
     * @param $value mixed Value used for the filter. If NULL passed then it will take ONLY the criteria.
     * @param string $field Field on the database that you will filter by. Default: id.
     * @param array $columns Columns to retrieve with the object.
     * @return mixed Model|NULL An Eloquent object when there is a result, NULL when there are no matches.
    public function findOneBy( $value = NULL, $field = 'id', array $columns = ['*'] );
     * Finds ALL items the repository abstract without any kind of filter.
     * @param array $columns Columns to retrieve with the objects.
     * @return mixed Collection Laravel Eloquent's Collection that may or may not be empty.
    public function findAll( array $columns = ['*'] );
     * Finds ALL items by the provided field. If NULL specified for the first 2 parameters, then it will take ONLY the
     * criteria.
     * @param $value mixed Value used for the filter.
     * @param string $field Field on the database that you will filter by. Default: id.
     * @param array $columns Columns to retrieve with the objects.
     * @return mixed Collection Laravel Eloquent's Collection that may or may not be empty.
    public function findAllBy( $value = NULL, $field = NULL, array $columns = ['*'] );
     * Finds ALL the items in the repository where the given field is inside the given values.
     * @param array $value mixed Array of values used for the filter.
     * @param string $field Field on the database that you will filter by.
     * @param array $columns Columns to retrieve with the objects.
     * @return mixed Collection Laravel Eloquent's Collection that may or may not be empty.
    public function findAllWhereIn( array $value, $field,  array $columns = ['*'] );
     * Allows you to eager-load entity relationships when retrieving entities, either with or without criterias.
     * @param array|string $relations Relations to eager-load along with the entities.
     * @return mixed The current repository object instance.
    public function with( $relations );
     * Adds a criteria to the query.
     * @param CriteriaInterface $criteria Object that declares and implements the criteria used.
     * @return mixed The current repository object instance.
    public function addCriteria( CriteriaInterface $criteria );
     * Skips the current criteria (all of them). Useful when you don't want to reset the object but just not use the
     * filters applied so far.
     * @param bool|TRUE $status If you want to skip the criteria or not.
     * @return mixed The current repository object instance.
    public function skipCriteria( $status = TRUE );
     * Returns a Paginator that based on the criteria or filters given.
     * @param int $perPage Number of results to return per page.
     * @param array $columns Columns to retrieve with the objects.
     * @return Paginator object with the results and the paginator.
    public function paginate( $perPage, array $columns = ['*'] );
     * Allows you to set the current page with using the paginator. Useful when you want to overwrite the $_GET['page']
     * parameter and retrieve a specific page directly without using HTTP.
     * @param int $page The page you want to retrieve.
     * @return mixed The current repository object instance.
    public function setCurrentPage( $page );
     * Creates a new entity of the entity type the repository handles, given certain data.
     * @param array $data Data the entity will have.
     * @return mixed Model|NULL An Eloquent object when the entity was created, NULL in case of error.
    public function create( array $data );
     * Updates as many entities as the filter matches with the given $data.
     * @param array $data Fields & new values to be updated on the entity/entities.
     * @param $value mixed Value used for the filter.
     * @param string $field Field on the database that you will filter by. Default: id.
     * @return mixed Model|NULL|integer An Eloquent object representing the updated entity, a number of entities updated if mass updating,
     * or NULL in case of error.
    public function updateBy( array $data, $value = NULL, $field = 'id' );
     * Removes as many entities as the filter matches. If softdelete is applied, then they will be soft-deleted.
     * Criteria is applied as well, so please be careful with it.
     * @param $value
     * @param $value mixed Value used for the filter.
     * @param string $field Field on the database that you will filter by. Default: id.
     * @return boolean TRUE It will always return TRUE.
    public function delete( $value = NULL, $field = 'id' );
     * @return int number of records matching the criteria (or total amount of records).
    public function count();
     * Resets the current scope of the repository. That is: clean the criteria, and all other properties that could have
     * been modified, like current page, etc.
     * @return mixed The current repository object instance.
    public function resetScope();
     * Permanently removes a record (or set of records) from the database.
     * Criteria is applied as well, so please be careful with it.
     * @param $value mixed Value used for the filter.
     * @param string $field Field on the database that you will filter by.
     * @return mixed
    public function destroy( $value = NULL, $field = 'id' );


To avoid having our repository full of methods like findActiveUsers(), findActiveUsersOlderThan( $date ) and so on, we'll be using Criteria to apply filters to our searches or queries.

A Criteria is just a PHP Class that implements the CriteriaInterface provided by this package and that operates on the Eloquent model to apply the Query or set of queries that we want to apply for an specific search.

To create your own criterias, place them wherever you want and make them implement the CriteriaInterface provided.

For instance: Imagine we have an application where users can register via Facebook, Twitter or email. We would need to retrieve all users based on the method they used for registering. We would have a criteria like this:


namespace MyApp\Repositories\Criteria\Eloquent\Users;

use App\Repositories\Contracts\CriteriaInterface;
use App\Models\User;
class RegisteredVia implements CriteriaInterface  {
    protected $registeredVia;
    protected $onlyActive;
    public function __construct($registeredVia, $onlyActive = true) 
        $this->registeredVia = $registeredVia;
        $this->onlyActive = $onlyActive;
    public function apply($queryBuilder) 
        if ($this->onlyActive) {
            $queryBuilder = $queryBuilder->where('active', true);
        return $queryBuilder->where('registered_via', $this->registered_via);

Now in your services or controllers you can use this criteria like this:

    $registeredViaFacebookCriteria = new RegisteredVia('facebook');
    return $this->userRepository->addCriteria($registeredViaFacebookCriteria)->findAllBy();

We could even chain different criterias:

    $registeredViaFacebookCriteria = new RegisteredVia('facebook');
    $orderByCreationDate = new OrderBy('created_at', 'ASC');
    return $this->userRepository

Criterias shipped by default

  • OrderBy( $orderBy, $direction = 'ASC' ): It sorts the results by the given column and direction.
  • FilterByColumns( array $filter ): It filters (with AND filter) by more than one column. The filter applied can be complex. Example:
    $maxDate = Carbon::now()->subDays( 7 );
    $filter = [
        [ 'balance', '>=', 10 ],
        [ 'created_at', '<=', $date ],
        [ 'is_premium_user', TRUE ]
    $filterCriteria = new FilterByColumns( $filter );
    // This will return all premium users created more than 1 week ago and that have more than 10 (?,$, whatever) of balance.
    $users = $this->userRepository->addCriteria( $filterCriteria )->findAllBy();

For more complex queries, a custom Criteria must be created.

And now let's jump directly into the cool stuff that will save some time in your end...


Yeah, creating all those files, link them up, inject models and so on it's a bummer. Also for me. So I create a generator that creates the interface and the Eloquent implementation (basic) for our models. Cool, huh?

There are 2 generators provided: for repositories and for criteria


Just execute php artisan make:repository Namespace\\ModelName --implementation=eloquent

Being ModelName the name of the model (class) that you want to generate the repository for. This will generate an interface for this repository, an eloquent implementation implementing that interface and will also inject the model to the repository. The files will be placed in the directory that you configure in your repositories.php config file, and will also have the namespace specified there. You can specify the implementation that you want to use, although for now just Eloquent is supported out of the box.


Execute php artisan make:criteria Namespace\\ClassName --implementation=eloquent

This will generate a criteria, using the parameters configured in your repositories.php config file. Additionally, if you want to place the criteria inside a specific folder (inside the one already configured), you can specify that as an option to the command: php artisan make:criteria Accounts\\FilterByCreationDate.

Play a bit around and see how they behave when you pass different parameters!

Generators do lot of magic, but they are also descriptive with errors, so if it fails, just pay attention to the error ;D.


There are some functions included that do not necessarily need to be included in all repositories but that depend on the model injected. These are the traits available for the different types of entities involved:


  • Restorable: If you are using SoftDelete in your models and want to be able to restore them via the repository, just include this trait in your repository. You must also implement the RestorableInterface in your repository and your repository interface.
  • Countable: If you any any column that acts as a counter, you can use this trait to add counting functionalities to your repository (incremente/decrement value in the given amount). You must also implement the CountableInterface in your repository and your repository interface.

    ## Extending the package

    You can create your own implementations to support, for instance, SQLite or MongoDB. The plan is to add more and more engines, but if you need something on your own you can create your own engines.

    To add a new engine, its class needs to implement the `RepositoryInterface` interface and all the methods defined there. You can place this class wherever you want, as the binding is done manually in the config (`config/repositories.php`) file:


'supported_implementations' => [

'eloquent' => \App\Repositories\EloquentRepository::class,
'mongodb' => \MyApp\Repositories\Custom\MongoDbRepository::Class


You can also manually specify which repositories should be mapped by this engine. All the repositories which are not
explicitly mapped will be mapped to the default driver (eloquent):

'bindings' => [

'eloquent' => 'default',
'mongodb' => [


  Of course, you can use the generators to create criterias and repositories:

php artisan make:repository App\\Models\\Log --implementation=mongodb php artisan make:criteria Events\\FilterLogsOlderThanAWeek --implementation=mongodb