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File: pop3

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File: pop3
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: pop3 class
Class: POP3
Retrieve and delete messages from a POP3 mailbox
Author: By
Last change: private function _read(), problems with Microsoft pop3 server.
Date: 17 years ago
Size: 4,016 bytes



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class POP3
    public $host = '';
    public $port = 110;
    public $timeout = 10;
    public $error = null;
    private $fd = null;
    public function __construct()
        $this->fd = fsockopen($this->host,$this->port,&$errno,&$errstr,$this->timeout);
        if( $errno )
            echo 'Error: '.$errno.': '.$errstr;
        $msg = $this->_read();
        if( ! $this->_check($msg) )
            $this->error = $msg;
    private function _write($cmd)
    private function _read($stream=false)
        $retval = null;
        if( ! $stream )
            $retval = fgets($this->fd,1024);
            //$retval = preg_replace("/\r?\n/","\r\n",$retval);
        } else {
            while( ! feof($this->fd) )
                $tmp = fgets($this->fd,1024);
                //$tmp = preg_replace("/\r?\n/","\r\n",$tmp);
                if( chop($tmp) == '.') break;
                $retval .= $tmp;
        return $retval;
    private function _check($msg)
        $stat = substr($msg,0,strpos($msg,' '));
        if($stat == '-ERR') return false;
        //if($stat == '+OK') return true;
        return true;

    //login to server
    public function pUSERPASS($user, $password)
        $this->_write('USER '.$user);
        $msg = $this->_read();
        if( ! $this->_check($msg) )
            $this->error = $msg;
            return false;
        $this->_write('PASS '.$password);
        $msg = $this->_read();
        if( ! $this->_check($msg) )
            $this->error = $msg;
            return false;
        return true;
    public function pSTAT()
        $retval = null;
        $msg = $this->_read();
        if( ! $this->_check($msg) )
            $this->error = $msg;
            return false;
        list(,$retval['number'],$retval['size']) = split(' ',$msg);
        return $retval;
    //list messages on server
    public function pLIST()
        $msg = $this->_read();
        if( ! $this->_check($msg) )
            $this->error = $msg;
            return false;
        $msg = split("\n",$this->_read(true));
        for($x = 0; $x < sizeof($msg); $x++ )
            $tmp = split(' ',$msg[$x]);
            $retval[$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1];
        return $retval;
    //retrive a message from server
    public function pRETR($num)
        $this->_write('RETR '.$num);
        $msg = $this->_read();
        if( ! $this->_check($msg) )
            $this->error = $msg;
            return false;
        $msg = $this->_read(true);
        return $msg;
    //marks a message deletion from the server
    //it is not actually deleted until the QUIT command is issued.
    //If you lose the connection to the mail server before issuing
    //the QUIT command, the server should not delete any messages
    public function pDELE($num)
        $this->_write('DELE '.$num);
        $msg = $this->_read();
        if( ! $this->_check($msg) )
            $this->error = $msg;
            return false;
    //This resets (unmarks) any messages previously marked for deletion in this session
    //so that the QUIT command will not delete them
    public function pRSET()
        $msg = $this->_read();
        if( ! $this->_check($msg) )
            $this->error = $msg;
            return false;
    //This deletes any messages marked for deletion, and then logs you off of the mail server.
    //This is the last command to use. This does not disconnect you from the ISP, just the mailbox.
    public function pQUIT()
        $msg = $this->_read();
        if( ! $this->_check($msg) )
            $this->error = $msg;
            return false;
    public function __destruct()

$pop3 = new POP3();

if($pop3->error){echo 'ERROR: '.$pop3->error; exit(0); }

$messages = $pop3->pLIST();

echo $pop3->pRETR(1);
