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File: README_EN.txt

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  Classes of Carlos Falo Hervás   lang_detect   README_EN.txt   Download  
File: README_EN.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Help file in english
Class: lang_detect
Language setting detection
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 22 years ago
Size: 2,681 bytes



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===== BASIC DOCUMENTATION FOR LANG DETECT CLASS ===== 0.- INTRODUCTION This Class is designed to check for the user's language preferences and to match for given locales. NOTES: All locales are composed by 3 elements: PREFIX-SUBCLASS ; QUALITY=value PREFIX: is the main language identifier (i.e. en-us, en-ca,... have prefix EN) SUBCLASS: is a subdivision for main language (prefix) (i.e. en-us runs for english - united states) IT CAN BE BLANK QUALITY: is the importance for given language... primary language setting defaults to 1 (100%), normally secondary and further selections have a lower Q value (value <1). 1.- INTERFACE The public interface for the class is formed by: PUBLIC VARIABLES: $langs: Counter for the number of accepted languages in the client's browser $lang_list: List of the accepted languages. PAIRS $locale => Q*100 PUBLIC FUNCTIONS: lang_detect() CONSTRUCTOR: Initialize the language list is_primarylang($locale) Returns 1 if the PREFIX for $locale matches the PREFIX for the primary language selected by the user $locale -> locale string get_primarylang() Returns the full locale string for the client's primary language selection get_primaryprefix() Returns the PREFIX string for the client's primary language selection find_lang($loc) Retunrs QUALITY for PREFIX in given $loc (QUALITY = q*100 -> percent) $loc -> locale string get_list($arr,&$sublist) Fills $sublist with an array of matching locales from $arr in the clients language selection ordered by QUALITY (DESC). $arr -> An array with the locales to match &$sublist -> destination array (it is converted to array internally) EXAMPLE: Imagine a language selection of en, es; q=0.5, fr; q=0.3 Calling get_list with $arr = Array("de","en","es) fills $sublist with: "en" => 100 , "es" => 50 print_list() Echo to screen a list for the users language selections (this is a debug function, basically useful for testing) 2.- Future releases and WIP This class will not have many revisions as it is fully functional for it's intended use. For furtehr developement any suggestions are wellcome 3.- Contact information Carlos Falo Hervás C/Manila 54-56 Esc. A Ent. 4ª 08034 Barcelona Spain Phone: +34 9 3 2063652 Fax: +34 9 3 2063689