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File: limit/package.oLimit.php

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  Classes of Johan Barbier   SPL and Iterators   limit/package.oLimit.php   Download  
File: limit/package.oLimit.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: oLimit package classes
Class: SPL and Iterators
Implements several iterators using SPL
Author: By
Last change: Optimizations
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 6,952 bytes



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 * class oLimit implements Iterator
 * @author johan <>
 * @version 20061205
abstract class oLimit implements Iterator {

     * Number of items to retrieve
     * @var integer
protected $iCount;

     * Starting offset
     * @var integer
protected $iOffset;

     * Total number of items for the request
     * @var unknown_type
protected $iMax;

     * Current internal position
     * @var integer
protected $iPos = 0;

     * Exception messages
const ERROR_COUNT_EMPTY = 'iCount cannot be equal to 0';
ERROR_NO_INTEGER = 'iCount and iOffset parameters must be integer';
ERROR_NEGATIVE = 'iOffset cannot be negative';

     * Constructor
     * set some parameters
     * @param integer $iOffset
     * @param integer $iCount
protected function __construct ($iOffset = 0, $iCount = -1) {
        if (!
is_int ($iOffset) || !is_int ($iCount)) {
            throw new
Exception (self::ERROR_NO_INTEGER);
        if (
$iOffset < 0) {
            throw new
Exception (self::ERROR_NEGATIVE);
        if (
$iCount === 0) {
            throw new
Exception (self::ERROR_COUNT_EMPTY);
$this -> iOffset = $iOffset;
$this -> iCount = $iCount;
$this -> iMax = $this -> countMax ();

     * Iterator method
     * Moves the internal cursor to the next position
public function next () {
$this -> iPos ++;

     * Iterator method
     * Checks the validity of the current position
     * If iCount === -1, then we go up to the end of the request (total number of items iMax)
     * If not, we check if the current position iPos is equal or greater than the number of items to retrieve (iCount)
     * @return boolean
public function valid () {
        if ((
$this -> iOffset + $this -> iPos) > $this -> iMax) {
        if (
$this -> iCount > -1 && $this -> iPos >= $this -> iCount) {

     * Returns the current internal position
     * @return integer
public function getInternalPos () {
$this -> iPos;

     * Returns the current request position
     * @return integer
public function getExternalPos () {
$this -> iPos + $this -> iOffset;

     * Returns the total number of items in the request
     * @return integer
public function getExternalCount () {
$this -> iMax + 1;

    abstract protected function
countMax ();

 * class mysqlLimit extends oLimit
 * @author johan <>
 * @version 20061205
class mysqlLimit extends oLimit {

     * request resource
     * @var mysql result resource (comes from mysql_query)
private $rRes;

     * Exception messages
const ERROR_NO_RESOURCE = 'rRes must be a valid mysql resource';

     * Constructor
     * Sets some parameters, and set the current position via data_seek
     * @param mysql result resource $rRes
     * @param integer $iOffset
     * @param integer $iCount
public function __construct ($rRes, $iOffset = 0, $iCount = -1) {
        if (!
is_resource ($rRes) || 'mysql result' !== get_resource_type ($rRes)) {
            throw new
Exception (self::ERROR_NO_RESOURCE);
$this -> rRes = $rRes;
parent::__construct ($iOffset, $iCount);
mysql_data_seek ($this -> rRes, $this -> iOffset + $this -> iPos);

     * Returns the current result array at the current position
     * @return array
public function current () {
mysql_fetch_assoc ($this -> rRes);

     * Checks validity of the current position
     * @return boolean
public function valid () {
parent::valid ();

     * Reset the resource result to the starting offset
public function rewind () {
mysql_data_seek ($this -> rRes, $this -> iOffset);

     * Do not know what do return here
     * @return void
public function key () {
//return mysql_fetch_assoc ($this -> rRes);

     * Returns the total number of items of the query
     * @return integer
protected function countMax () {
mysql_num_rows ($this -> rRes) - 1;

 * class mssqlLimit extends oLimit
 * see mysqlLimit for documentation
 * @author johan <>
 * @version 20061205
class mssqlLimit extends oLimit {


ERROR_NO_RESOURCE = 'rRes must be a valid mssql resource';

    public function
__construct ($rRes, $iOffset = 0, $iCount = -1) {
        if (!
is_int ($rRes) && (!is_resource ($rRes) || 'mssql result' !== get_resource_type ($rRes))) {
            throw new
Exception (self::ERROR_NO_RESOURCE);
$this -> rRes = $rRes;
parent::__construct ($iOffset, $iCount);
mssql_data_seek ($this -> rRes, $this -> iOffset + $this -> iPos);

    public function
current () {
mssql_fetch_assoc($this -> rRes);

    public function
valid () {
parent::valid ();

    public function
rewind () {
mssql_data_seek ($this -> rRes, $this -> iOffset);

    public function
key () {
//return mssql_fetch_assoc ($this -> rRes);

    protected function
countMax () {
mssql_num_rows ($this -> rRes) - 1;

 * class arrayLimit extends LimitIterator
 * @author johan <>
 * @version 20061205
class arrayLimit extends LimitIterator {

     * Exception messages
const ERROR_NO_ARRAY = 'aRes must be an array';

     * Constructor
     * Sets some parameters and get LimitIterator constructor
     * @param array $aRes
     * @param integer $iOffset
     * @param integer $iCount
public function __construct ($aRes, $iOffset = 0, $iCount = -1) {
        if (!
is_array ($aRes)) {
            throw new
Exception (self::ERROR_NO_ARRAY);
$aIt = new ArrayIterator ($aRes);
parent::__construct ($aIt, $iOffset, $iCount);
$this -> rewind ();

 * class LimitFactory
 * factory for the oLimit package (optional)
 * @author johan <>
 * @version 20061205
class LimitFactory {

     * Array of implemented oLimit classes
     * @var array
private static $aTypes = array (
'MYSQL' => 'mysqlLimit',
'MSSQL' => 'mssqlLimit',
'ARRAY' => 'arrayLimit'

     * Exception messages
const ERROR_NO_VALID_TYPE = '{__TYPE__} is not a valid type';
ERROR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND = 'class {__CLASS__} has not been found';

     * Factory : get the correct object given an implemented oLimit class
     * @param string $sType
     * @param mixed $mRes
     * @param integer $iOffset
     * @param integer $iCount
     * @return object
public static function factory ($sType, $mRes, $iOffset = 0, $iCount = -1) {
        if (!
array_key_exists ($sType, self::$aTypes)) {
            throw new
Exception (str_replace ('{__TYPE__}', $sType, self::ERROR_NO_VALID_TYPE));
        if (!
class_exists (self::$aTypes[$sType])) {
            throw new
Exception (str_replace ('{__CLASS__}', self::$aTypes[$sType], self::ERROR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND));
        return new
self::$aTypes[$sType] ($mRes, $iOffset, $iCount);