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File: sc_classes.php

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  Classes of Panos Kyriakakis   AJAXed list boxes   sc_classes.php  
File: sc_classes.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main class file
Class: AJAXed list boxes
Generate AJAXed linked select inputs
Author: By
Last change: # 23.May.2008.
Added in to the package a small updater class. Retrieves using ajax a database record and updates divs or text inputs with record values.
# 24.Sep.2007.
Finaly got the time to finish new version. Also made it little more compact and i hope easier to use.
# 25.Jul.2007. I started coding a new version that supports radio groups instead of select boxes. Both select boxes and radio groups can be used together.
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 47,999 bytes


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