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File: examples/embedded.php

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  Classes of Andy Loftus   Photo Album   examples/embedded.php   Download  
File: examples/embedded.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Sample php script showing how a PhotoAlbum might be embedded in an existing web page.
Class: Photo Album
Display interactive photo album
Author: By
Last change: Fixed print statement so it works now.
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 3,974 bytes



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// Synopsis: 1. Create page as normal.
    // 2. Add PhotoAlbum <head> elements to normal html
    // <head>.
    // 3. Create a <div> where you want the PhotoAlbum.
    // 4. Print output from $album->generate_html_content.
    // 5. Close the </div>.

$doc_root = '/var/www/htdocs/pictures';
$web_root = '/pictures';

// NOTE: It is important to have some way to put the PhotoAlbum
    // headers in the HTML <head> section. The method shown
    // below puts all existing headers in an array and then
    // appends the photo album headers to the array. If this
    // isn't possible in your existing webpage, take a look at
    // the file embedded_alternate.php, which uses
    // ob_get_contents() and preg_replace() to modify the <head>
    // section that was already sent.
$html_head[] = '<title>PhotoAlbum Sample - Embedded PhotoAlbum</title>';
$html_head[] = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />';
$html_head[] = "<link href=\"$web_root/css/main.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type="\text/css\" />";

// Create new photo album object
$album = new PhotoAlbum;

// Set album variables
$album->CELLS_PER_ROW = 5;
$album->IMAGE_MAX_SIZE = 700;
$album->THUMB_MAX_SIZE = 100;
$album->IMAGE_QUALITY = 85;
// doctype unused for embedded page
    //$album->DOCTYPE = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">';
    // title unused for embedded page
    //$album->TITLE = 'CREW Mission Archives - Photo Documentary';

    // Where to find required files for include
$album->LIGHTBOX_JS = "$web_root/js/lightbox.js";
$album->LIGHTBOX_CSS = "$web_root/css/lightbox.css";
$album->PROTOTYPE_JS = "$web_root/js/prototype.lite.js";
$album->MOO_FX_JS = "$web_root/js/moo.fx.js";
$album->MOO_FX_PACK_JS = "$web_root/js/moo.fx.pack.js";

// Add any optional HTML settings
$album->LINKS[] =
'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/crew/css/photoalbum.css" />';
$album->SCRIPTS[] =
'<script type="text/javascript">' .
file_get_contents("$doc_root/js/photoalbum.js") .
// Create photo album
$rv = $album->create_album();
$rv !== TRUE)
'Error: The following problem occurred: '.$album->ERR);

// Merge photo_album headers with existing headers
    // NOTE: This is step 2 from the Synopsis above
$new_headers = array();
$retval = $album->generate_html_head($new_headers);
$retval !== TRUE)
"Error in album.generate_html_head, album said: $album-ERR");
$html_head = array_merge($html_head, $new_headers);

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml: lang="en" lang="en">
print('<head>' . join("\n",$html_head) . '</head>');
<div id="main_contents">
<h3>PhotoAlbum embedded in existing webpage.</h3>
This sample puts existing headers in a php array, then appends
PhotoAlbum headers to that array.
<div id="photo_album">
// Add photo_album content to the html body
$content = array();
$retval = $album->generate_html_content($content);
$retval !== TRUE)
"Error in album.generate_html_content, album said: $album-ERR");
join('', $content));
<div style="height: 2em; width: 100%; background-color: #000000;
color: #000000;"><div>