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File: color_select.js

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File: color_select.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: javascript for colorselect
Class: Button Maker Lite
Generate button images with text dynamically
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 26,610 bytes


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// global variables used for color selects var mouse_x; var mouse_y; var color_selects = new Array(0); var scrolling = true; function set_scrolling() { //alert('(set_scrolling)'); scrolling = true; //window.status = '(scrolling!)'; //scrolling = true; } function XBrowserAddHandler(target,eventName,handlerName) { if ( target.addEventListener ) { target.addEventListener(eventName, function(e){target[handlerName](e);}, false); } else if ( target.attachEvent ) { target.attachEvent("on" + eventName, function(e){target[handlerName](e);}); } else { var originalHandler = target["on" + eventName]; if ( originalHandler ) { target["on" + eventName] = function(e){originalHandler(e);target[handlerName](e);}; } else { target["on" + eventName] = target[handlerName]; } } } function generic_h_select_box_mousedown() { var id =; id = RegExp.$1; var eval_text = id+".h_select_box_mousedown();"; eval(eval_text); } function generic_h_select_box_mouseup() { var id=""; if ( id =; var id =; id = RegExp.$1; var eval_text = id+".h_select_box_mouseup();"; eval(eval_text); } function generic_sv_select_box_mousedown() { var id =; id = RegExp.$1; var eval_text = id+".sv_select_box_mousedown();"; eval(eval_text); } function generic_sv_select_box_mouseup() { var id =; id = RegExp.$1; var eval_text = id+".sv_select_box_mouseup();"; eval(eval_text); } function generic_ok_button_click() { var id =; id = RegExp.$1; var eval_text = id+".hide();"; eval(eval_text); } function color_select(i, init_color) { // current mouse position //this.mouse_x=0; //this.mouse_y=0; = i; // current control position this.sv_image=""; this.x=0; this.y=0; this.hexcolor="" // map methods // Time to get funky with the DOM. Unh. // Create a DOM element to hold the color select this.color_select_box = document.createElement('div'); // the box around the entire color select ="_color_select_box"; this.color_select_box.className = "color_select_box"; = "none"; //document.body.appendChild(this.color_select_box); document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0).appendChild(this.color_select_box); // horizontal & vertical s-v cursors this.sv_crosshair_horiz_cursor = document.createElement('div'); ="_sv_crosshair_horiz_cursor"; this.sv_crosshair_horiz_cursor.className = "sv_crosshair_horiz_cursor"; = "hidden"; this.color_select_box.appendChild(this.sv_crosshair_horiz_cursor); this.sv_crosshair_vert_cursor = document.createElement('div'); ="_sv_crosshair_vert_cursor"; this.sv_crosshair_vert_cursor.className = "sv_crosshair_vert_cursor"; = "hidden"; this.color_select_box.appendChild(this.sv_crosshair_vert_cursor); // center s-v cursor this.sv_crosshair_center_cursor = document.createElement('div'); ="_sv_crosshair_center_cursor"; this.sv_crosshair_center_cursor.className = "sv_crosshair_center_cursor"; = "hidden"; this.color_select_box.appendChild(this.sv_crosshair_center_cursor); this.sv_select_box_bg = document.createElement('div'); ="_sv_select_box_bg"; this.sv_select_box_bg.className = "sv_select_box_bg"; this.color_select_box.appendChild(this.sv_select_box_bg);"256px";"256px"; this.sv_select_box = document.createElement('div'); ="_sv_select_box"; this.sv_select_box.className = "sv_select_box"; this.sv_select_box_bg.appendChild(this.sv_select_box);"256px";"256px"; this.sv_select_box.mousedownHandler = generic_sv_select_box_mousedown; this.sv_select_box.mouseupHandler = generic_sv_select_box_mouseup; XBrowserAddHandler(this.sv_select_box,"mousedown","mousedownHandler"); XBrowserAddHandler(this.sv_select_box,"mouseup","mouseupHandler"); this.h_select_box = document.createElement('div'); ="_h_select_box"; this.h_select_box.className = "h_select_box"; this.h_select_box.mousedownHandler = generic_h_select_box_mousedown; this.h_select_box.mouseupHandler = generic_h_select_box_mouseup; XBrowserAddHandler(this.h_select_box,"mousedown","mousedownHandler"); XBrowserAddHandler(this.h_select_box,"mouseup","mouseupHandler"); this.color_select_box.appendChild(this.h_select_box); this.color_box = document.createElement('div'); ="_color_box"; this.color_box.className = "color_box"; this.color_select_box.appendChild(this.color_box); this.color_value_box = document.createElement('div'); ="_color_value_box"; this.color_value_box.className = "color_value_box"; this.color_box.appendChild(this.color_value_box); // ok button this.ok_button = document.createElement('div'); ="_ok_button"; this.ok_button.className = "ok_button"; this.color_select_box.appendChild(this.ok_button); this.ok_button.innerHTML = "ok"; this.ok_button.mouseupHandler = generic_ok_button_click; XBrowserAddHandler(this.ok_button,"mouseup","mouseupHandler"); // hue cursor this.hue_cursor = document.createElement('div'); ="_hue_cursor"; this.hue_cursor.className = "hue_cursor"; this.h_select_box.appendChild(this.hue_cursor); // this.color_select_box = new Object; // the box around the entire color select // this.h_select_box = new Object; // the box around the hue control // this.sv_select_box = new Object; // the box around the sat-val control // this.sv_select_box_bg = new Object // the box that holds the background of the sat-val control // this.color_box = new Object // the box that holds the background of the sat-val control // this.color_value_box = new Object // the box that holds the background of the sat-val control // references to cursors // this.hue_cursor = new Object; // this.sv_crosshair_horiz_cursor = new Object; // this.sv_crosshair_vert_cursor = new Object; // used for mapping between mouse positions and color parameters this.hue_offset=0; this.sat_offset=0; this.val_offset=0; this.color_select_bounding_box = new Array(4); // upper-left corner x, upper-left corner y, width, height // state information for the controls this.initialized=false;; //alert('this should appear only twice! ' +; this.h_select_box_focus=false; this.sv_select_box_focus=false; // function to call each time the color is updated this.change_update_function = + "_change_update"; this.hide_update_function = + "_hide_update"; this.attach_to_element = function(e) { this.x = docjslib_getRealLeft(e); this.y = docjslib_getRealTop(e) + 22; // clumsy hack. Won't work for elements higher than 22 px } this.h_select_box_mousedown = function() { this.h_select_box_focus = true; window.status='(h_select_box_mousedown) ('+mouse_x+','+mouse_y+') ' + + " " + this.h_select_box_focus; this.hue_cursor_to_color(); this.sv_update(); color_select_update(); } this.h_select_box_mouseup = function() { this.h_select_box_focus = false; //color_select_update(event); } this.sv_select_box_mousedown = function() { this.sv_select_box_focus = true; window.status='(sv_select_box_mousedown) ('+mouse_x+','+mouse_y+') ' + + " " + this.sv_select_box_focus; this.sv_update(); color_select_update(); } this.sv_select_box_mouseup = function() { this.sv_select_box_focus = false; } // these functions are tied to events (usually). // they are the entry points for whatever color_select does = function() { // alert ("show color select"); this.color_select_bounding_box = new Array; // in mozilla, insert the saturation-value background image if (!document.all && this.sv_image) = "url('"+this.sv_image+"')"; // make them visible first so we can substract the position of // offsetParent = "visible"; = "block"; = "absolute"; = this.x - docjslib_getRealLeft(this.color_select_box.offsetParent) + "px"; = this.y - docjslib_getRealTop(this.color_select_box.offsetParent) + "px"; this.sat_offset = docjslib_getRealTop(this.sv_select_box); this.val_offset = docjslib_getRealLeft(this.sv_select_box); this.hue_offset = docjslib_getRealTop(this.h_select_box); this.color_select_bounding_box[0]=this.x; this.color_select_bounding_box[1]=this.y; this.color_select_bounding_box[2]=300; this.color_select_bounding_box[3]=300; this.sv_cursor_draw(); // position hue cursor = docjslib_getRealLeft(this.h_select_box) - docjslib_getRealLeft(this.color_select_box)-1; this.hue_cursor_draw(); this.initialized=true;; if (! alert ("color select box style not found!"); this.update_color_box(); //alert ("new hsv: "+ this.hue_cursor_pos +" "+this.sat_cursor_pos+" "+this.val_cursor_pos); //alert (this.x + " " + this.y); } this.hide = function() { if (this.color_select_box) = "none";; this.unfocus(); try { // because the hide_update_function might not be defined if (self[this.hide_update_function]) setTimeout(this.hide_update_function+"(\""+this.hexcolor+"\")",100); } catch (e) {} } this.toggle_color_select = function() { if ( this.hide(); else; } this.select_disable = function() { // This function is IE-only! Moz doesn't need it, and ignores it. // When the mouse is dragged, IE attempts to select the DOM objects, // which would be ok, but IE applies a dark highlight to the selection. // This makes the color select look flickery and bad. // The solution is to disable IE's selection event when it occurs when the mouse is over // the color select. // But that's not quite enough. We *do* want to be able to select the #FFFFF hex // value. So we only disable IE selection when the mouse is moving the s-v or hue // cursor. if (this.h_select_box_focus || this.sv_select_box_focus) return true; else return false; } this.hue_cursor_to_color = function() { //alert(this.h_select_box_focus); // map from the mouse position to the new hue value if (!this.h_select_box_focus) return; var new_hue_cursor_pos = mouse_y - this.hue_offset; //alert(new_hue_cursor_pos); // keep the value sensible if (new_hue_cursor_pos > 255) new_hue_cursor_pos=255; if (new_hue_cursor_pos < 0) new_hue_cursor_pos=0; this.hue_cursor_pos = new_hue_cursor_pos; this.hue_value = 360 - new_hue_cursor_pos/255*360; this.hue_cursor_draw(); this.cursor_to_color(); } this.sv_update = function() { // map from the mouse position to the new s-v values // might be possible to get rid of this if (!this.sv_select_box_focus) return; var new_sat_cursor_pos = mouse_y - this.sat_offset; var new_val_cursor_pos = mouse_x - this.val_offset; // keep the values sensible if (new_sat_cursor_pos > 255) new_sat_cursor_pos = 255; if (new_sat_cursor_pos < 0) new_sat_cursor_pos = 0; if (new_val_cursor_pos > 255) new_val_cursor_pos = 255; if (new_val_cursor_pos < 0) new_val_cursor_pos = 0; this.sat_cursor_pos = new_sat_cursor_pos; this.val_cursor_pos = new_val_cursor_pos; //window.status = this.hue_cursor_pos + ","+this.sat_cursor_pos + ","+this.val_cursor_pos +"("+this.sat_offset+ ","+this.val_offset+")"; this.sv_cursor_draw(); this.cursor_to_color(); return; } this.hue_cursor_draw = function() { if (! return; if (! return; = this.hue_cursor_pos+1 + "px"; = "visible"; //this.cursor_to_color(); // update sv_select_box background var hsvcolor = new Array(this.hue_value,1,255); var rgbcolor = hsv2rgb(hsvcolor); var new_color = "rgb("+rgbcolor[0]+", "+rgbcolor[1]+", "+rgbcolor[2]+")"; = new_color; //window.status="hue cursor draw! " +; } this.sv_cursor_draw = function() { if (! return; if (! return; // this is sort of a seat-of-the-pants algorithm for keeping the cursor // visible against the s-v background. There are probably better methods. var cursor_color=this.val_cursor_pos; if (cursor_color==0) cursor_color=.001; cursor_color = Math.round(255/(cursor_color/30)); if (cursor_color > 255) cursor_color = 255; if (cursor_color < 0) cursor_color = 0; = "rgb("+cursor_color+","+cursor_color+","+cursor_color+")"; = "rgb("+cursor_color+","+cursor_color+","+cursor_color+")"; // place the s-v cursors. = this.sat_cursor_pos+3 + "px"; = 2 + "px"; = "visible"; = this.val_cursor_pos+3 + "px"; = "visible"; //this.cursor_to_color(); window.status = (this.sat_cursor_pos+3)+", "+(this.val_cursor_pos+3); } this.cursor_to_color = function() { //calculate real h, s & v this.hue_value = ((255-this.hue_cursor_pos)/255*360); this.sat_value = (255 - this.sat_cursor_pos)/255; //this.sat_value = this.sat_cursor_pos; this.val_value = this.val_cursor_pos; //alert ("cursor_to_color: "+ this.hue_value +" "+this.sat_value+" "+this.val_value); this.update_color_box(); } this.unfocus = function() { //this.h_select_box_focus=false; this.sv_select_box_focus=false; } this.setrgb = function(c) { // hsv: h = 0-360 s = 0 (gray) - 1.0 (pure color) v = 0 (black) to 255 (white) if (!c.match(/#([0-9]|[A-F]){6}/i)) // valid hex #color? return false; var rgb = hex2rgb(c.substring(1,7)); //alert ("hex -> rgb: "+ rgb[0] +" "+rgb[1]+" "+rgb[2]); hsv = rgb2hsv(rgb); //alert ("rgb -> hsv: "+ hsv[0] +" "+hsv[1]+" "+hsv[2]); this.sethsv(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]); //rgb_again = hsv2rgb(hsv); //alert ("hex -> rgb: "+ rgb[0] +" "+rgb[1]+" "+rgb[2]+ // "\nrgb -> hsv: "+ hsv[0] +" "+hsv[1]+" "+hsv[2]+ // "\nrgb -> hsv -> rgb: "+ rgb_again[0] +" "+rgb_again[1]+" "+rgb_again[2]); return true; } this.sethsv = function(h, s, v) { var hsvcolor; this.hue_value = h; this.sat_value = s; this.val_value = v; this.hue_cursor_pos = (360 - this.hue_value)/360*255; this.sat_cursor_pos = Math.round(255 - 255*this.sat_value); this.val_cursor_pos = this.val_value; this.update_color_box(); } this.update_color_box = function() { var hsvcolor = new Array(this.hue_value,this.sat_value,this.val_value); // make them into an rgb color var rgbcolor = hsv2rgb(hsvcolor); //rgbcolor[0] = Math.round(rgbcolor[0]/255*100); //rgbcolor[1] = Math.round(rgbcolor[1]/255*100); //rgbcolor[2] = Math.round(rgbcolor[2]/255*100); var new_color = "rgb("+rgbcolor[0]+","+rgbcolor[1]+","+rgbcolor[2]+")"; //alert ("rgb: "+ rgbcolor[0] +" "+rgbcolor[1]+" "+rgbcolor[2]); // and in hex this.hexcolor = "#"+baseconverter(rgbcolor[0],10,16,2)+baseconverter(rgbcolor[1],10,16,2)+baseconverter(rgbcolor[2],10,16,2); try { // because the change_update_function might not be defined if (self[this.change_update_function]) setTimeout(this.change_update_function+"(\""+this.hexcolor+"\")",100); } catch (e) {} // display it! if (this.color_value_box) this.color_value_box.innerHTML = this.hexcolor; if ( = new_color; } // push the new color select object onto the // global array of color select objects. // for some reason, the array.push() method // doesn't work with objects, only with primitives. // initial values if (init_color) this.setrgb(init_color) else this.setrgb("#ffffff"); color_selects[color_selects.length] = this; } function color_select_mousedown(event) { var cs_active = false; for (var l1=0;l1<color_selects.length;l1++) { var ob = color_selects[l1]; if (! continue; cs_active = true; // if the mousedown is outside the color_select_box, close it. if (mouse_x < ob.color_select_bounding_box[0] || mouse_y < ob.color_select_bounding_box[1] || mouse_x > (ob.color_select_bounding_box[0]+ob.color_select_bounding_box[2]) || mouse_y > (ob.color_select_bounding_box[1]+ob.color_select_bounding_box[3])) { //alert('(color_select_mousedown) about to hide!'); //alert('scrolling: ' + scrolling); scrolling = false; setTimeout("color_select_hide("+l1+")",200); } } if (cs_active && event) { if (event.cancelBubble) event.cancelBubble = true; else { if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); } } } function color_select_hide(num) { if (!scrolling) color_selects[num].hide(); else scrolling = false; } function color_select_hideall() { //alert("hiding all color selects!"); for (var l1=0;l1<color_selects.length;l1++) color_selects[l1].hide(); } function color_select_mouseup() { //alert('(color_select_mouseup)'); for (var l1=0;l1<color_selects.length;l1++) { ob=color_selects[l1]; ob.unfocus(); scrolling = false; // if the mouseup is outside the color_select_box, close it. //if (mouse_x < ob.color_select_bounding_box[0] || // mouse_y < ob.color_select_bounding_box[1] || // mouse_x > (ob.color_select_bounding_box[0]+ob.color_select_bounding_box[2]) || // mouse_y > (ob.color_select_bounding_box[1]+ob.color_select_bounding_box[3])) //{ // ob.hide(); //} } } function get_mouse_coords(e) { if (window.getSelection) { // Moz mouse_x=e.pageX; mouse_y=e.pageY; } else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { // IE /* if (document.documentElement) // IE 6 + XHTML doctype { mouse_x=window.event.clientX+document.documentElement.scrollLeft-4; mouse_y=window.event.clientY+document.documentElement.scrollTop-4; } else { mouse_x=window.event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft-4; mouse_y=window.event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop-4; } */ if (document.documentElement.scrollTop) // Explorer 6 Strict { mouse_x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft - 4; mouse_y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop - 4; } else if (document.body) // all other Explorers { mouse_x=window.event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft-4; mouse_y=window.event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop-4; } } else { // out of luck below v.4 var str = ""; window.status="Sorry, event capture is not possible with your browser."; return; } } function get_mouse_coords_old(e) { if (window.event) // IE { mouse_x=window.event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft; mouse_y=window.event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop; } else // moz { mouse_x=e.pageX; mouse_y=e.pageY; } } function color_select_update(event) { var cs_active = false; //window.status = color_selects.length+" color selects"; for (var l1=0;l1<color_selects.length;l1++) { ob = color_selects[l1]; if ( cs_active = true; ob.sv_update(); ob.hue_cursor_to_color(); } if (event && cs_active) { if (event.cancelBubble) event.cancelBubble = true; else { if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); } } } // below are miscellanous conversion functions. Some of them // are modified versions of someone else's code. function findowner(evt) { if ( return; else if (evt.srcElement) return evt.srcElement; else return null; } function baseconverter (number,ob,nb,desired_length) { // Created 1997 by Brian Risk. number += ""; // convert to character, or toUpperCase will fail on some browsers number = number.toUpperCase(); var list = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; var dec = 0; for (var i = 0; i <= number.length; i++) dec += (list.indexOf(number.charAt(i))) * (Math.pow(ob , (number.length - i - 1))); number = ""; var magnitude = Math.floor((Math.log(dec))/(Math.log(nb))); for (var i = magnitude; i >= 0; i--) { //-- stupid nedit, thinks the decrement above is a html commment. var amount = Math.floor(dec/Math.pow(nb,i)); number = number + list.charAt(amount); dec -= amount*(Math.pow(nb,i)); } var length=number.length; if (length<desired_length) for (var i=0;i<desired_length-length;i++) number = "0"+number; return number; } function docjslib_getRealTop(imgElem) { yPos = imgElem.offsetTop; tempEl = imgElem.offsetParent; while (tempEl != null) { yPos += tempEl.offsetTop; tempEl = tempEl.offsetParent; } return yPos; } function docjslib_getRealLeft(imgElem) { xPos = imgElem.offsetLeft; tempEl = imgElem.offsetParent; while (tempEl != null) { xPos += tempEl.offsetLeft; tempEl = tempEl.offsetParent; } return xPos; } // RGB, each 0 to 255 // hsv: h = 0-360 s = 0 (gray) - 1.0 (pure color) v = 0 (black) to 255 (white) function rgb2hsv(rgb) { var r = rgb[0]; var g = rgb[1]; var b = rgb[2]; var h; var s; var v = Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b); var min = Math.min(Math.min(r, g), b); var delta = v - min; // Calculate saturation: saturation is 0 if r, g and b are all 0 if (v == 0) s = 0 else s = delta / v; if (s==0) h=0; //achromatic. no hue else { if (r==v) // between yellow and magenta [degrees] h=60*(g-b)/delta; else if (g==v) // between cyan and yellow h=120+60*(b-r)/delta; else if (b==v) // between magenta and cyan h=240+60*(r-g)/delta; } if (h<0) h+=360; return new Array(h,s,v); } // RGB, each 0 to 255 // hsv: h = 0-360 s = 0 (gray) - 1.0 (pure color) v = 0 (black) to 255 (white) function hsv2rgb(hsv) { var h = hsv[0]; var s = hsv[1]; var v = hsv[2]; var r; var g; var b; if (s==0) // achromatic (grey) return new Array(v,v,v); var htemp; if (h==360) htemp=0; else htemp=h; htemp=htemp/60; var i = Math.floor(htemp); // integer <= h var f = htemp - i; // fractional part of h var p = v * (1-s); var q = v * (1-(s*f)); var t = v * (1-(s*(1-f))); if (i==0) {r=v;g=t;b=p;} if (i==1) {r=q;g=v;b=p;} if (i==2) {r=p;g=v;b=t;} if (i==3) {r=p;g=q;b=v;} if (i==4) {r=t;g=p;b=v;} if (i==5) {r=v;g=p;b=q;} r=Math.round(r); g=Math.round(g); b=Math.round(b); return new Array(r,g,b); } function hex2rgb(h) { h = h.replace(/#/,''); // RGB, each 0 to 255 var r = Math.round(parseInt(h.substring(0,2),16)); var g = Math.round(parseInt(h.substring(2,4),16)); var b = Math.round(parseInt(h.substring(4,6),16)); //alert("hex2rgb: "+h+" "+r+" "+g+" "+b); var results = new Array(r,g,b); return results; } function move_test() { alert("move test"); } function color_select_unfocus() { for (var l1=0;l1<color_selects.length;l1++) { ob=color_selects[l1]; ob.unfocus(); } } function cs_select_disable() { for (var l1=0;l1<color_selects.length;l1++) { ob=color_selects[l1]; if (ob.select_disable()) return false; } } // hook up the appropriate browser events. if (document.attachEvent) // IE uses proprietary event model { document.attachEvent('onmousedown',color_select_mousedown); document.attachEvent('onmouseup',color_select_mouseup); document.attachEvent('onmouseup',color_select_unfocus); document.attachEvent('onmousemove',get_mouse_coords); document.attachEvent('onmousemove',color_select_update); document.attachEvent('onselectstart',cs_select_disable); // this event is IE-only document.attachEvent('onscroll',set_scrolling); } else // Moz uses W3C DOM event model { document.addEventListener('scroll', set_scrolling, false); document.addEventListener('resize',color_select_mousedown, false); document.addEventListener('mousedown', color_select_mousedown, false); document.addEventListener('mouseup', color_select_mouseup, false); document.addEventListener('mousemove', get_mouse_coords, false); document.addEventListener('mousemove', color_select_update, false); document.addEventListener('resize', color_select_hideall, false); }