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File: classes/RotateImage.php

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File: classes/RotateImage.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main class
Class: Rotate Image
Display random images from a list in rotation
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 2,185 bytes



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require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . "/Html.php" );

 * RotateImage class reads a directory for a matching list of images
 * and then displays a random image. If you then click on the image
 * it will rotate to the other images that you have
 * Author - Brett Dutton
class RotateImage {

$url; // This is the Base URL. This is used to construct the image URL
var $path; // This is the path to the Base location
var $dir; //
var $mask;

RotateImage ( $url, $path, $dir, $mask ) {
$this->url = $url;
$this->path = $path;
$this->dir = $dir;
$this->mask = $mask;

toHtml ( ) {
$location = $this->path . "/" . $this->dir;

$arr = array ();

        if (
$dh = opendir ( $location ) ) {
            while ( (
$fileName = readdir ( $dh ) ) !== false ) {
$file = $location . "/" . $fileName;
                if (
is_file ( $file ) && preg_match ( $this->mask, $fileName ) ) {
$arr[] = $fileName;
        if ( (
$cnt = count ( $arr ) ) == 0 ) return ( "Error, no images found" );

// Get a random image
$img = $arr[rand ( 0, $cnt - 1 )];

// Create a variable name for labeling the javascript variables
$var = str_replace ( ".", "_", $img );

// create the javascript for the image rotation
$js = "";
$js .= "var cur$var = 0;\n";
$js .= "var arr$var = new Array ();\n";
        for (
$i=0; $i<count ( $arr ); $i++ ) {
$js .= "arr{$var}[{$i}] = '" . $this->url . "/" . $this->dir . "/" . $arr[$i] . "';\n";
$js .= "function clickHandle$var () {\n";
$js .= " document['$var'].src = arr{$var}[cur$var++];\n";
$js .= " if ( cur$var >= arr$var.length ) cur$var = 0;\n";
$js .= "}";

$imgHtml = Html::img ( $this->url . "/" . $this->dir . "/" . $img, "border=0 name=\"$var\"" );
$hrefHtml = Html::href ( "javascript:clickHandle$var()", $imgHtml, "title=\"Click to see more images\"" );
        return (
Html::javaScript ( $js ) . $hrefHtml );