PHP Classes

File: classes/mypagedisplay_class.php

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  Classes of Peter Barkway   myPageDisplay   classes/mypagedisplay_class.php  
File: classes/mypagedisplay_class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main Class File v1.1h
Class: myPageDisplay
Display paginated MySQL query results in HTML
Author: By
Last change: 31-07-2007 Peter C Barkway (version 1.1h)
1. Added new function getOnClickArgs() to allow for javascript & php functions to be called by an action button
2. Modified function createListTable() to account for above
3. Changed class name from listLinkAction to mpdListLinkAction
4. Style sheet and example file update to show new functionality

15-05-2007 Peter C Barkway (version 1.1g)
1. Added new function setCheckBox() to allow for multiple selection of lines for a mass change.
2. Added new function getFieldVal() used by the checkbox column facility
3. Modified function showColumnHeaders() to account for above
4. Modified function createListTable() to account for above
Date: 17 years ago
Size: 37,910 bytes


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