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File: gallery.php

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  Classes of Alf-Red   Gallery generator   gallery.php   Download  
File: gallery.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: example page
Class: Gallery generator
Generate a gallery from images in a folder
Author: By
Last change: include a verbose mode that allowed you to display
the name
the name of the folder
the file size
the width and the height of the file

include a border param around the gallery

work on the ratio of the displayed picture
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 2,119 bytes



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// GALLERY was written by Tristan Carron
// written on : 16-08-2006
// change made on : 24-08-2006
// last change on : 27-08-2006

//include the class GALLERY
include("./gallery.cls.php") ;

// initialize the class GALLERY
$gal = new GALLERY() ;

// the folder location to look for images
$folder = "./img/" ;
// the width of the little thumbnails
$width = 150 ;
// the height of the little thumbnails
$height = 100 ;
// the max width of the displayed picture
$maxwidth = 1024 ;
// the max height of the display picture
$maxheight = 768 ;
// verbose mode
$verbose = "1234" ;
// select the size of the boder of the gallery
// set to 0 = no border
$border_size = 1 ;
//select the color of the border of the gallery
$border_color = "black" ;
// style of the gallery
$bd = "style='border: ".$border_size."px solid ".$border_color.";'" ;

// lunch the gallery
// 1 : param = folder where to find the images
// 2 : param = width of the gallery
// 3 : param = nbr thumbnails images per page
// 4 : param = nbr thumbnails images per line
// 5 : param = width of the thumbnail pictures
// 6 : param = height of the thumbnail pictures
// 7 : param = max width of the picture to display
// 8 : param = max height of the picture to display
// 9 : param = verbose mode
// to use it just insert the number you want...
// example : if I want the name and the file size so I set "13"
// example : if I just want the name I just put "1"
// example : if I want the name, the name of the folder and the file size I put "123"
// example : if I want the name, the folder and the name again I put "121"
// 0 = no verbose mode
// 1 = display name
// 2 = display the name of the folder
// 3 = display the file size in Ko
// 4 = display the width and the height of the file
// 10 : param = display the border of the gallery or not
// warning that the thumbnails image are $width pix long
// so the param number 4 should be less or equal than param 2 / $width
$gal->InitGallery($folder, 600, 25, 5, $width, $height, $maxwidth, $maxheight, $verbose, $bd);
