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File: languages/english.php

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  Classes of Stefan Gabos   Zebra Database   languages/english.php   Download  
File: languages/english.php
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Language file
Class: Zebra Database
MySQL database access wrapper library
Author: By
Last change: Result sets can now also be stored in sessions
Added a few more words
Initial GitHub release
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 6,021 bytes



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<?php /** * English language file for the Zebra_Database class, by Stefan Gabos <>. * * @version 1.0 * @author Stefan Gabos <> * */ $this->language = array( 'affected_rows' => 'affected rows', 'backtrace' => 'backtrace', 'cache_path_not_writable' => 'Could not cache query. Make sure path exists and is writable.', 'cannot_use_parameter_marker' => 'Cannot use a parameter marker ("?", question mark) in <br><br><pre>%s</pre><br>Use an actual value instead as it will be automatically escaped.', 'close_all' => 'close all', 'could_not_connect_to_database' => 'Could not connect to database', 'could_not_connect_to_memcache_server' => 'Could not connect to the memcache server', 'could_not_seek' => 'could not seek to specified row', 'could_not_select_database' => 'Could not select database', 'could_not_write_to_log' => 'Could not write to log file. Make sure the folder exists and is writable.', 'date' => 'Date', 'email_subject' => 'Slow query on %s!', 'email_content' => "The following query exceeded normal running time of %s seconds by running %s seconds: \n\n %s", 'error' => 'Error', 'errors' => 'errors', 'execution_time' => 'execution time', 'explain' => 'explain', 'data_not_an_array' => 'The third argument of <em>insert_bulk()</em> needs to be an array of arrays.', 'file' => 'file', 'file_could_not_be_opened' => 'Could not open file', 'from_cache' => 'from cache', 'function' => 'function', 'globals' => 'globals', 'line' => 'line', 'memcache_extension_not_installed' => 'Memcache extension not found.<br><span> For using memcache as caching method, PHP version must be 4.3.3+, must be compiled with the <a href="">memcached</a> extension, and needs to be configured with <em>--with-zlib[=DIR]</em>.</span>', 'miliseconds' => 'ms', 'mysql_error' => 'MySQL error', 'no' => 'No', 'no_active_session' => 'You have chosen to cache query results in sessions but there are no active session. Call <a href="" target="_blank">session_start()</a> before using the library!', 'no_transaction_in_progress' => 'No transaction in progress.', 'not_a_valid_resource' => 'Not a valid resource (make sure you specify a resource as argument for fetch_assoc()/fetch_obj() if you are executing a query inside the loop)', 'optimization_needed' => '<strong>WARNING</strong>: The first few results returned by this query are the same as returned by <strong>%s</strong> other queries!', 'returned_rows' => 'returned rows', 'successful_queries' => 'successful queries', 'to_top' => 'to the top', 'transaction_in_progress' => 'Transaction could not be started as another transaction is in progress.', 'unsuccessful_queries' => 'unsuccessful queries', 'warning_charset' => 'No default charset and collections were set. Call set_charset() after connecting to the database.', 'warning_memcache' => 'The "memcache" extension is available on you server - consider using memcache for caching query results.<br>See <a href="$caching_method">the documentation</a> for more information.', 'warning_replacements_not_array' => '<em>$replacements</em> must be an arrays of values', 'warning_replacements_wrong_number' => 'the number of items to replace is different than the number of items in the <em>$replacements</em> array', 'warning_wait_timeout' => 'The value of MySQL\'s <em>wait_timeout</em> variable is set to %s. The <em>wait_timeout</em> variable represents the time, in seconds, that MySQL will wait before killing an idle connection. After a script finishes execution, the MySQL connection is not actually terminated but it is put in an idle state and is being reused if the same user requires a database connection (a very common scenario is when users navigate through the pages of a website). The default value of <em>wait_timeout</em> is 28800 seconds, or 8 hours. If you have lots of visitors this can lead to a <em><a href="" target="_blank">Too many connections</a></em> error, as eventualy there will be times when no <a href="" target="_blank">free connections</a> will be available. The recommended value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).', 'warning' => 'Warning', 'warnings' => 'warnings', 'yes' => 'Yes', ); ?>