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File: config/laravel-dev.php

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  Classes of Andre Roque Filipe   laravel-dev   config/laravel-dev.php   Download  
File: config/laravel-dev.php
Role: Configuration script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Configuration script
Class: laravel-dev
Preset Laravel developer packages
Author: By
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Date: 7 years ago
Size: 8,926 bytes



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return [

'use' => [
'dev-booter', //
'laravel-ide-helper', //
'laravel-view-generator', //
'interactive-make', //

    | Configurations Related to Laravel Dev Booter
    | For more info visit

'dev-booter' => [

        | Development Environments
        | Here you may define as many development environments as you want.
        | These environments will be used to check if dev packages
        | needs to be registered or not. Go crazy here.

'dev_environments' => [

        | Development Providers config key
        | Here you may define the config key where you placed all your dev
        | providers. You may define a key for each environment.

'dev_providers_config_keys' => [
'dev' => 'app.dev_providers',
'local' => 'app.local_providers',
'testing' => 'app.testing_providers',

        | Development Class Aliases
        | Here you may define the config key where you placed akl your dev class
        | aliases. You may define a key for each environment.

'dev_aliases_config_keys' => [
'dev' => 'app.dev_aliases',
'local' => 'app.local_aliases',
'testing' => 'app.testing_aliases',

    | Configurations Related to Laravel IDE Helper
    | For more info visit

'ide-helper' => [
          | Filename & Format
          | The default filename (without extension) and the format (php or json)

'filename' => '_ide_helper',
'format' => 'php',

        | Fluent helpers
        | Set to true to generate commonly used Fluent methods

'include_fluent' => false,

        | Helper files to include
        | Include helper files. By default not included, but can be toggled with the
        | -- helpers (-H) option. Extra helper files can be included.

'include_helpers' => false,

'helper_files' => [
base_path() . '/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/helpers.php',

        | Model locations to include
        | Define in which directories the ide-helper:models command should look
        | for models.

'model_locations' => [

        | Extra classes
        | These implementations are not really extended, but called with magic functions

'extra' => [
'Eloquent' => ['Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder', 'Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder'],
'Session' => ['Illuminate\Session\Store'],

'magic' => [
'Log' => [
'debug' => 'Monolog\Logger::addDebug',
'info' => 'Monolog\Logger::addInfo',
'notice' => 'Monolog\Logger::addNotice',
'warning' => 'Monolog\Logger::addWarning',
'error' => 'Monolog\Logger::addError',
'critical' => 'Monolog\Logger::addCritical',
'alert' => 'Monolog\Logger::addAlert',
'emergency' => 'Monolog\Logger::addEmergency',

        | Interface implementations
        | These interfaces will be replaced with the implementing class. Some interfaces
        | are detected by the helpers, others can be listed below.

'interfaces' => [


        | Support for custom DB types
        | This setting allow you to map any custom database type (that you may have
        | created using CREATE TYPE statement or imported using database plugin
        | / extension to a Doctrine type.
        | Each key in this array is a name of the Doctrine2 DBAL Platform. Currently valid names are:
        | 'postgresql', 'db2', 'drizzle', 'mysql', 'oracle', 'sqlanywhere', 'sqlite', 'mssql'
        | This name is returned by getName() method of the specific Doctrine/DBAL/Platforms/AbstractPlatform descendant
        | The value of the array is an array of type mappings. Key is the name of the custom type,
        | (for example, "jsonb" from Postgres 9.4) and the value is the name of the corresponding Doctrine2 type (in
        | our case it is 'json_array'. Doctrine types are listed here:
        | So to support jsonb in your models when working with Postgres, just add the following entry to the array below:
        | "postgresql" => array(
        | "jsonb" => "json_array",
        | ),
'custom_db_types' => [


         | Support for camel cased models
         | There are some Laravel packages (such as Eloquence) that allow for accessing
         | Eloquent model properties via camel case, instead of snake case.
         | Enabling this option will support these packages by saving all model
         | properties as camel case, instead of snake case.
         | For example, normally you would see this:
         | * @property \Carbon\Carbon $created_at
         | * @property \Carbon\Carbon $updated_at
         | With this enabled, the properties will be this:
         | * @property \Carbon\Carbon $createdAt
         | * @property \Carbon\Carbon $updatedAt
         | Note, it is currently an all-or-nothing option.
'model_camel_case_properties' => false,

        | Property Casts
        | Cast the given "real type" to the given "type".
'type_overrides' => [
'integer' => 'int',
'boolean' => 'bool',