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File: WITheme/WICMS/admin/js/plugins/textEditor/tinymce_4.2.6_dev/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Label.js

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  Classes of Jules Warner   WICMS   WITheme/WICMS/admin/js/plugins/textEditor/tinymce_4.2.6_dev/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Label.js   Download  
File: WITheme/WICMS/admin/js/plugins/textEditor/tinymce_4.2.6_dev/tinymce/js/tinymce/classes/ui/Label.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WICMS
Database driven content management system with PDO
Author: By
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Date: 7 years ago
Size: 2,733 bytes



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/** * Label.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ /** * This class creates a label element. A label is a simple text control * that can be bound to other controls. * * @-x-less Label.less * @class tinymce.ui.Label * @extends tinymce.ui.Widget */ define("tinymce/ui/Label", [ "tinymce/ui/Widget", "tinymce/ui/DomUtils" ], function(Widget, DomUtils) { "use strict"; return Widget.extend({ /** * Constructs a instance with the specified settings. * * @constructor * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings. * @param {Boolean} multiline Multiline label. */ init: function(settings) { var self = this; self._super(settings); self.classes.add('widget').add('label'); self.canFocus = false; if (settings.multiline) { self.classes.add('autoscroll'); } if (settings.strong) { self.classes.add('strong'); } }, /** * Initializes the current controls layout rect. * This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the * default minWidth/minHeight etc. * * @method initLayoutRect * @return {Object} Layout rect instance. */ initLayoutRect: function() { var self = this, layoutRect = self._super(); if (self.settings.multiline) { var size = DomUtils.getSize(self.getEl()); // Check if the text fits within maxW if not then try word wrapping it if (size.width > layoutRect.maxW) { layoutRect.minW = layoutRect.maxW; self.classes.add('multiline'); } self.getEl().style.width = layoutRect.minW + 'px'; layoutRect.startMinH = layoutRect.h = layoutRect.minH = Math.min(layoutRect.maxH, DomUtils.getSize(self.getEl()).height); } return layoutRect; }, /** * Repaints the control after a layout operation. * * @method repaint */ repaint: function() { var self = this; if (!self.settings.multiline) { self.getEl().style.lineHeight = self.layoutRect().h + 'px'; } return self._super(); }, /** * Renders the control as a HTML string. * * @method renderHtml * @return {String} HTML representing the control. */ renderHtml: function() { var self = this, forId = self.settings.forId; return ( '<label id="' + self._id + '" class="' + self.classes + '"' + (forId ? ' for="' + forId + '"' : '') + '>' + self.encode(self.state.get('text')) + '</label>' ); }, bindStates: function() { var self = this; self.state.on('change:text', function(e) { self.innerHtml(self.encode(e.value)); }); return self._super(); } }); });