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File: WITheme/WICMS/admin/js/plugins/textEditor/tinymce_4.2.6_dev/tinymce/tests/tinymce/html/DomParser.js

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File: WITheme/WICMS/admin/js/plugins/textEditor/tinymce_4.2.6_dev/tinymce/tests/tinymce/html/DomParser.js
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(function() { module("tinymce.html.DomParser"); var schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: '*[class|title]'}); var serializer = new tinymce.html.Serializer({}, schema); var parser, root; function countNodes(node, counter) { var sibling; if (!counter) { counter = {}; } if ( in counter) { counter[]++; } else { counter[] = 1; } for (sibling = node.firstChild; sibling; sibling = { countNodes(sibling, counter); } return counter; } schema.addValidChildren('+body[style]'); test('Parse element', function() { var parser, root; expect(7); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<B title="title" class="class">test</B>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<b class="class" title="title">test</b>', 'Inline element'); equal(root.firstChild.type, 1, 'Element type'); equal(, 'b', 'Element name'); deepEqual(root.firstChild.attributes, [{name: 'title', value: 'title'}, {name: 'class', value: 'class'}], 'Element attributes'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body:1, b:1, '#text':1}, 'Element attributes (count)'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse(' \t\r\n <SCRIPT> \t\r\n a < b > \t\r\n </S' + 'CRIPT> \t\r\n '); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<script> \t\r\n a < b > \t\r\n </s' + 'cript>', 'Retain code inside SCRIPT'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body:1, script:1, '#text':1}, 'Retain code inside SCRIPT (count)'); }); test('Whitespace', function() { expect(12); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse(' \t\r\n <B> \t\r\n test \t\r\n </B> \t\r\n '); equal(serializer.serialize(root), ' <b> test </b> ', 'Redundant whitespace (inline element)'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body:1, b:1, '#text':3}, 'Redundant whitespace (inline element) (count)'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse(' \t\r\n <P> \t\r\n test \t\r\n </P> \t\r\n '); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p>test</p>', 'Redundant whitespace (block element)'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body:1, p:1, '#text':1}, 'Redundant whitespace (block element) (count)'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse(' \t\r\n <SCRIPT> \t\r\n test \t\r\n </S' + 'CRIPT> \t\r\n '); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<script> \t\r\n test \t\r\n </s' + 'cript>', 'Whitespace around and inside SCRIPT'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body:1, script:1, '#text':1}, 'Whitespace around and inside SCRIPT (count)'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse(' \t\r\n <STYLE> \t\r\n test \t\r\n </STYLE> \t\r\n '); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<style> \t\r\n test \t\r\n </style>', 'Whitespace around and inside STYLE'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body:1, style:1, '#text':1}, 'Whitespace around and inside STYLE (count)'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<ul>\n<li>Item 1\n<ul>\n<li>\n \t Indented \t \n</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<ul><li>Item 1<ul><li>Indented</li></ul></li></ul>', 'Whitespace around and inside blocks (ul/li)'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body:1, li:2, ul:2, '#text':2}, 'Whitespace around and inside blocks (ul/li) (count)'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, new tinymce.html.Schema({invalid_elements : 'hr,br'})); root = parser.parse('\n<hr />\n<br />\n<div>\n<hr />\n<br />\n<img src="file.gif" data-mce-src="file.gif" />\n<hr />\n<br />\n</div>\n<hr />\n<br />\n'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<div><img src="file.gif" data-mce-src="file.gif" alt="" /></div>', 'Whitespace where SaxParser will produce multiple whitespace nodes'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body:1, div:1, img:1}, 'Whitespace where SaxParser will produce multiple whitespace nodes (count)'); }); test('Whitespace before/after invalid element with text in block', function() { parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, new tinymce.html.Schema({invalid_elements : 'em'})); root = parser.parse('<p>a <em>b</em> c</p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p>a b c</p>'); }); test('Whitespace before/after invalid element whitespace element in block', function() { parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, new tinymce.html.Schema({invalid_elements : 'span'})); root = parser.parse('<p> <span></span> </p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p>\u00a0</p>'); }); test('Whitespace preserved in PRE', function() { parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse(' \t\r\n <PRE> \t\r\n test \t\r\n </PRE> \t\r\n '); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<pre> \t\r\n test \t\r\n </pre>', 'Whitespace around and inside PRE'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body:1, pre:1, '#text':1}, 'Whitespace around and inside PRE (count)'); }); test('Whitespace preserved in SPAN inside PRE', function() { parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse(' \t\r\n <PRE> \t\r\n <span> test </span> \t\r\n </PRE> \t\r\n '); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<pre> \t\r\n <span> test </span> \t\r\n </pre>', 'Whitespace around and inside PRE'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body:1, pre:1, span:1, '#text':3}, 'Whitespace around and inside PRE (count)'); }); test('Parse invalid contents', function() { var parser, root; expect(20); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<p class="a"><p class="b">123</p></p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p class="b">123</p>', 'P in P, no nodes before/after'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body:1, p:1, '#text':1}, 'P in P, no nodes before/after (count)'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<p class="a">a<p class="b">b</p><p class="c">c</p>d</p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p class="a">a</p><p class="b">b</p><p class="c">c</p><p class="a">d</p>', 'Two P in P, no nodes before/after'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body: 1, p:4, '#text': 4}, 'Two P in P, no nodes before/after (count)'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<p class="a">abc<p class="b">def</p></p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p class="a">abc</p><p class="b">def</p>', 'P in P with nodes before'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body: 1, p:2, '#text': 2}, 'P in P with nodes before (count)'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<p class="a"><p class="b">abc</p>def</p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p class="b">abc</p><p class="a">def</p>', 'P in P with nodes after'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body: 1, p:2, '#text': 2}, 'P in P with nodes after (count)'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<p class="a"><p class="b">abc</p><br></p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p class="b">abc</p>', 'P in P with BR after'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body: 1, p:1, '#text': 1}, 'P in P with BR after (count)'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<p class="a">a<strong>b<span>c<em>d<p class="b">e</p>f</em>g</span>h</strong>i</p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p class="a">a<strong>b<span>c<em>d</em></span></strong></p><p class="b">e</p><p class="a"><strong><span><em>f</em>g</span>h</strong>i</p>', 'P in P wrapped in inline elements'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {"body":1, "p":3, "#text":9, "strong":2, "span":2, "em": 2}, 'P in P wrapped in inline elements (count)'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<p class="a">a<p class="b">b<p class="c">c</p>d</p>e</p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p class="a">a</p><p class="b">b</p><p class="c">c</p><p class="b">d</p><p class="a">e</p>', 'P in P in P with text before/after'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body: 1, p:5, '#text': 5}, 'P in P in P with text before/after (count)'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<p>a<ul><li>b</li><li>c</li></ul>d</p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p>a</p><ul><li>b</li><li>c</li></ul><p>d</p>', 'UL inside P'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body: 1, p:2, ul:1, li:2, '#text': 4}, 'UL inside P (count)'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<table><tr><td><tr>a</tr></td></tr></table>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<table><tr><td>a</td></tr></table>', 'TR inside TD'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {body: 1, table:1, tr:1, td:1, '#text': 1}, 'TR inside TD (count)'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'p,section,div'})); root = parser.parse('<div><section><p>a</p></section></div>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<div><section><p>a</p></section></div>', 'P inside SECTION'); deepEqual(countNodes(root), {"body":1, "div":1, "section":1, "p":1, "#text":1}, 'P inside SECTION (count)'); }); test('Remove empty nodes', function() { parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: '-p,-span[id]'})); root = parser.parse('<p>a<span></span><span> </span><span id="x">b</span><span id="y"></span></p><p></p><p><span></span></p><p> </p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p>a <span id="x">b</span><span id="y"></span></p>'); }); test('addNodeFilter', function() { var parser, result; expect(7); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); parser.addNodeFilter('#comment', function(nodes, name, args) { result = {nodes : nodes, name : name, args : args}; }); parser.parse('text<!--text1-->text<!--text2-->'); deepEqual(result.args, {}, 'Parser args'); equal(, '#comment', 'Parser filter result name'); equal(result.nodes.length, 2, 'Parser filter result node'); equal(result.nodes[0].name, '#comment', 'Parser filter result node(0) name'); equal(result.nodes[0].value, 'text1', 'Parser filter result node(0) value'); equal(result.nodes[1].name, '#comment', 'Parser filter result node(1) name'); equal(result.nodes[1].value, 'text2', 'Parser filter result node(1) value'); }); test('addNodeFilter multiple names', function() { var parser, results = {}; expect(14); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); parser.addNodeFilter('#comment,#text', function(nodes, name, args) { results[name] = {nodes : nodes, name : name, args : args}; }); parser.parse('text1<!--text1-->text2<!--text2-->'); deepEqual(results['#comment'].args, {}, 'Parser args'); equal(results['#comment'].name, '#comment', 'Parser filter result name'); equal(results['#comment'].nodes.length, 2, 'Parser filter result node'); equal(results['#comment'].nodes[0].name, '#comment', 'Parser filter result node(0) name'); equal(results['#comment'].nodes[0].value, 'text1', 'Parser filter result node(0) value'); equal(results['#comment'].nodes[1].name, '#comment', 'Parser filter result node(1) name'); equal(results['#comment'].nodes[1].value, 'text2', 'Parser filter result node(1) value'); deepEqual(results['#text'].args, {}, 'Parser args'); equal(results['#text'].name, '#text', 'Parser filter result name'); equal(results['#text'].nodes.length, 2, 'Parser filter result node'); equal(results['#text'].nodes[0].name, '#text', 'Parser filter result node(0) name'); equal(results['#text'].nodes[0].value, 'text1', 'Parser filter result node(0) value'); equal(results['#text'].nodes[1].name, '#text', 'Parser filter result node(1) name'); equal(results['#text'].nodes[1].value, 'text2', 'Parser filter result node(1) value'); }); test('addNodeFilter with parser args', function() { var parser, result; expect(1); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); parser.addNodeFilter('#comment', function(nodes, name, args) { result = {nodes : nodes, name : name, args : args}; }); parser.parse('text<!--text1-->text<!--text2-->', {value: 1}); deepEqual(result.args, {value: 1}, 'Parser args'); }); test('addAttributeFilter', function() { var parser, result; expect(7); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}); parser.addAttributeFilter('src', function(nodes, name, args) { result = {nodes : nodes, name : name, args : args}; }); parser.parse('<b>a<img src="1.gif" />b<img src="1.gif" />c</b>'); deepEqual(result.args, {}, 'Parser args'); equal(, 'src', 'Parser filter result name'); equal(result.nodes.length, 2, 'Parser filter result node'); equal(result.nodes[0].name, 'img', 'Parser filter result node(0) name'); equal(result.nodes[0].attr('src'), '1.gif', 'Parser filter result node(0) attr'); equal(result.nodes[1].name, 'img', 'Parser filter result node(1) name'); equal(result.nodes[1].attr('src'), '1.gif', 'Parser filter result node(1) attr'); }); test('addAttributeFilter multiple', function() { var parser, results = {}; expect(14); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}); parser.addAttributeFilter('src,href', function(nodes, name, args) { results[name] = {nodes : nodes, name : name, args : args}; }); parser.parse('<b><a href="1.gif">a</a><img src="1.gif" />b<img src="1.gif" /><a href="2.gif">c</a></b>'); deepEqual(results.src.args, {}, 'Parser args'); equal(, 'src', 'Parser filter result name'); equal(results.src.nodes.length, 2, 'Parser filter result node'); equal(results.src.nodes[0].name, 'img', 'Parser filter result node(0) name'); equal(results.src.nodes[0].attr('src'), '1.gif', 'Parser filter result node(0) attr'); equal(results.src.nodes[1].name, 'img', 'Parser filter result node(1) name'); equal(results.src.nodes[1].attr('src'), '1.gif', 'Parser filter result node(1) attr'); deepEqual(results.href.args, {}, 'Parser args'); equal(, 'href', 'Parser filter result name'); equal(results.href.nodes.length, 2, 'Parser filter result node'); equal(results.href.nodes[0].name, 'a', 'Parser filter result node(0) name'); equal(results.href.nodes[0].attr('href'), '1.gif', 'Parser filter result node(0) attr'); equal(results.href.nodes[1].name, 'a', 'Parser filter result node(1) name'); equal(results.href.nodes[1].attr('href'), '2.gif', 'Parser filter result node(1) attr'); }); test('Fix orphan LI elements', function() { var parser; expect(3); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<ul><li>a</li></ul><li>b</li>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<ul><li>a</li><li>b</li></ul>', 'LI moved to previous sibling UL'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<li>a</li><ul><li>b</li></ul>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<ul><li>a</li><li>b</li></ul>', 'LI moved to next sibling UL'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<li>a</li>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<ul><li>a</li></ul>', 'LI wrapped in new UL'); }); test('Remove empty elements', function() { var parser, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'span,-a,img'}); expect(3); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<span></span><a href="#"></a>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<span></span>', 'Remove empty a element'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'span,a[name],img'})); root = parser.parse('<span></span><a name="anchor"></a>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<span></span><a name="anchor"></a>', 'Leave a with name attribute'); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'span,a[href],img[src]'})); root = parser.parse('<span></span><a href="#"><img src="about:blank" /></a>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<span></span><a href="#"><img src="about:blank" /></a>', 'Leave elements with img in it'); }); test('Self closing list elements', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); expect(1); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<ul><li>1<li><b>2</b><li><em><b>3</b></em></ul>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<ul><li>1</li><li><strong>2</strong></li><li><em><strong>3</strong></em></li></ul>', 'Split out LI elements in LI elements.'); }); test('Remove redundant br elements', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); expect(1); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({remove_trailing_brs : true}, schema); root = parser.parse( '<p>a<br></p>' + '<p>a<br>b<br></p>' + '<p>a<br><br></p><p>a<br><span data-mce-type="bookmark"></span><br></p>' + '<p>a<span data-mce-type="bookmark"></span><br></p>' ); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p>a</p><p>a<br />b</p><p>a<br /><br /></p><p>a<br /><br /></p><p>a</p>', 'Remove traling br elements.'); }); test('Replace br with nbsp when wrapped in two inline elements and one block', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({remove_trailing_brs : true}, schema); root = parser.parse('<p><strong><em><br /></em></strong></p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p><strong><em>\u00a0</em></strong></p>'); }); test('Replace br with nbsp when wrapped in an inline element and placed in the root', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({remove_trailing_brs : true}, schema); root = parser.parse('<strong><br /></strong>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<strong>\u00a0</strong>'); }); test('Don\'t replace br inside root element when there is multiple brs', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({remove_trailing_brs : true}, schema); root = parser.parse('<strong><br /><br /></strong>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<strong><br /><br /></strong>'); }); test('Don\'t replace br inside root element when there is siblings', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({remove_trailing_brs : true}, schema); root = parser.parse('<strong><br /></strong><em>x</em>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<strong><br /></strong><em>x</em>'); }); test('Remove br in invalid parent bug', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_elements: 'br'}); expect(1); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({remove_trailing_brs : true}, schema); root = parser.parse('<br>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '', 'Remove traling br elements.'); }); test('Forced root blocks', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); expect(1); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({forced_root_block : 'p'}, schema); root = parser.parse( '<!-- a -->' + 'b' + '<b>c</b>' + '<p>d</p>' + '<p>e</p>' + 'f' + '<b>g</b>' + 'h' ); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<!-- a --><p>b<strong>c</strong></p><p>d</p><p>e</p><p>f<strong>g</strong>h</p>', 'Mixed text nodes, inline elements and blocks.'); }); test('Forced root blocks attrs', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); expect(1); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({forced_root_block: 'p', forced_root_block_attrs: {"class": "class1"}}, schema); root = parser.parse( '<!-- a -->' + 'b' + '<b>c</b>' + '<p>d</p>' + '<p>e</p>' + 'f' + '<b>g</b>' + 'h' ); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<!-- a -->' + '<p class="class1">b<strong>c</strong></p>' + '<p>d</p>' + '<p>e</p>' + '<p class="class1">f<strong>g</strong>h</p>', 'Mixed text nodes, inline elements and blocks.'); }); test('Parse contents with html4 anchors and allow_html_in_named_anchor: false', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({allow_html_in_named_anchor : false}, schema); root = parser.parse('<a name="x">a</a><a href="x">x</a>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<a name="x"></a>a<a href="x">x</a>'); }); test('Parse contents with html5 anchors and allow_html_in_named_anchor: false', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({schema: "html5"}); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({allow_html_in_named_anchor : false}, schema); root = parser.parse('<a id="x">a</a><a href="x">x</a>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<a id="x"></a>a<a href="x">x</a>'); }); test('Parse contents with html4 anchors and allow_html_in_named_anchor: true', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({allow_html_in_named_anchor : true}, schema); root = parser.parse('<a name="x">a</a><a href="x">x</a>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<a name="x">a</a><a href="x">x</a>'); }); test('Parse contents with html5 anchors and allow_html_in_named_anchor: true', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({schema: "html5"}); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({allow_html_in_named_anchor : true}, schema); root = parser.parse('<a id="x">a</a><a href="x">x</a>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<a id="x">a</a><a href="x">x</a>'); }); test('Parse contents with html5 self closing datalist options', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({schema: "html5"}); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<datalist><option label="a1" value="b1"><option label="a2" value="b2"><option label="a3" value="b3"></datalist>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<datalist><option label="a1" value="b1"></option><option label="a2" value="b2"></option><option label="a3" value="b3"></option></datalist>'); }); test('Parse inline contents before block bug #5424', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({schema: "html5"}); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<b>1</b> 2<p>3</p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<b>1</b> 2<p>3</p>'); }); test('Invalid text blocks within a li', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({schema: "html5", valid_children: '-li[p]'}); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<ul><li>1<p>2</p></li><li>a<p>b</p><p>c</p></li></ul>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<ul><li>12</li><li>ab</li><li>c</li></ul>'); }); test('Invalid inline element with space before', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<p><span>1</span> <strong>2</strong></p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p>1 <strong>2</strong></p>'); }); test('Valid classes', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_classes: 'classA classB'}); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<p class="classA classB classC">a</p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p class="classA classB">a</p>'); }); test('Valid classes multiple elements', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema({valid_classes: {'*': 'classA classB', 'strong': 'classC'}}); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<p class="classA classB classC"><strong class="classA classB classC classD">a</strong></p>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), '<p class="classA classB"><strong class="classA classB classC">a</strong></p>'); }); test('Remove empty list blocks', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('<ul><li></li></ul><ul><li> </li></ul>'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), ''); }); test('Preserve space in inline span', function() { var parser, root, schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(); parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser({}, schema); root = parser.parse('a<span> </span>b'); equal(serializer.serialize(root), 'a b'); }); test('Bug #7543 removes whitespace between bogus elements before a block', function() { var serializer = new tinymce.html.Serializer(); equal( serializer.serialize(new tinymce.html.DomParser().parse( '<div><b data-mce-bogus="1">a</b> <b data-mce-bogus="1">b</b><p>c</p></div>') ), '<div>a b<p>c</p></div>' ); }); test('Bug #7582 removes whitespace between bogus elements before a block', function() { var serializer = new tinymce.html.Serializer(); equal( serializer.serialize(new tinymce.html.DomParser().parse( '<div>1 <span data-mce-bogus="1">2</span><div>3</div></div>') ), '<div>1 2<div>3</div></div>' ); }); })();