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File: WITheme/WICMS/admin/js/plugins/textEditor/tinymce_4.2.6_dev/tinymce/tools/docs/tinymce.Editor.js

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  Classes of Jules Warner   WICMS   WITheme/WICMS/admin/js/plugins/textEditor/tinymce_4.2.6_dev/tinymce/tools/docs/tinymce.Editor.js   Download  
File: WITheme/WICMS/admin/js/plugins/textEditor/tinymce_4.2.6_dev/tinymce/tools/docs/tinymce.Editor.js
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/** * This file contains the documentation for all TinyMCE Editor events. */ // Native DOM events: // focusin focusout click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover beforepaste paste cut copy selectionchange // mouseout mouseenter mouseleave keydown keypress keyup contextmenu dragend dragover draggesture dragdrop drop drag // Custom events: // BeforeRenderUI SetAttrib PreInit (PostRender) init deactivate activate NodeChange BeforeExecCommand ExecCommand show hide // ProgressState LoadContent SaveContent BeforeSetContent SetContent BeforeGetContent GetContent (VisualAid) remove submit reset // BeforeAddUndo AddUndo change undo redo (ClearUndos) ObjectSelected ObjectResizeStart ObjectResized PreProcess PostProcess focus blur // Plugin events: // autosave: StoreDraft, RestoreDraft // paste: PastePreProcess, // fullscreen: FullscreenStateChanged // spellcheck: SpellcheckStart, SpellcheckEnd /** * Fires before the UI gets rendered. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('BeforeRenderUI', function(e) { * console.log('BeforeRenderUI event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event BeforeRenderUI * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when attributes are updated on DOM elements. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('SetAttrib', function(e) { * console.log('SetAttrib event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event SetAttrib * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires before the editor has been initialized. This is before any contents gets inserted into the editor but * after we have selection and dom instances. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('PreInit', function(e) { * console.log('PreInit event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event PreInit * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires after the editor has been initialized. This is after the editor has been filled with contents. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('init', function(e) { * console.log('init event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event init * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when the focus is moved from one editor to another editor. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('deactivate', function(e) { * console.log('deactivate event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event deactivate * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when the focus is moved from one editor to another editor. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('activate', function(e) { * console.log('activate event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event activate * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when the selection is moved to a new location or is the DOM is updated by some command. * This event enables you to update the UI based on the current selection etc. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('NodeChange', function(e) { * console.log('NodeChange event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event NodeChange * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires before a execCommand call is made. This enables you to prevent it and replace the logic * with custom logic. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('BeforeExecCommand', function(e) { * console.log('BeforeExecCommand event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event BeforeExecCommand * @param {tinymce.CommandEvent} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires after a execCommand call has been made. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('ExecCommand', function(e) { * console.log('ExecCommand event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event ExecCommand * @param {tinymce.CommandEvent} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when the editor is shown. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('show', function(e) { * console.log('show event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event show * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when the editor is hidden. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('hide', function(e) { * console.log('hide event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event hide * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when a progress event is made. To display a throbber/loader. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('ProgressState', function(e) { * console.log('ProgressState event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event ProgressState * @param {tinymce.ProgressStateEvent} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires after contents has been loaded into the editor. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('LoadContent', function(e) { * console.log('LoadContent event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event LoadContent * @param {tinymce.ContentEvent} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires after contents has been saved/extracted from the editor. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('SaveContent', function(e) { * console.log('SaveContent event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event SaveContent * @param {tinymce.ContentEvent} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires before contents is inserted into the editor. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('BeforeSetContent', function(e) { * console.log('BeforeSetContent event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event BeforeSetContent * @param {tinymce.ContentEvent} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires after contents has been extracted from the editor. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('GetContent', function(e) { * console.log('GetContent event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event GetContent * @param {tinymce.ContentEvent} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when the editor instance is removed. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('remove', function(e) { * console.log('remove event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event remove * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when the form containing the editor is submitted. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('submit', function(e) { * console.log('submit event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event submit * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when the form containing the editor is resetted. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('reset', function(e) { * console.log('reset event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event reset * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires before an undo level is added to the editor. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('BeforeAddUndo', function(e) { * console.log('BeforeAddUndo event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event BeforeAddUndo * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires after an undo level has been added to the editor. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('AddUndo', function(e) { * console.log('AddUndo event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event AddUndo * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when contents is modified in the editor. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('change', function(e) { * console.log('change event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event change * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when an undo operation is executed. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('undo', function(e) { * console.log('undo event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event undo * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when an redo operation is executed. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('redo', function(e) { * console.log('redo event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event redo * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when an object is selected such as an image. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('ObjectSelected', function(e) { * console.log('ObjectSelected event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event ObjectSelected * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when a resize of an object like an image is about to start. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('ObjectResizeStart', function(e) { * console.log('ObjectResizeStart event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event ObjectResizeStart * @param {tinymce.ResizeEvent} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires after an object like an image is resized. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('ObjectResized', function(e) { * console.log('ObjectResized event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event ObjectResized * @param {tinymce.ResizeEvent} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires before the contents is processed. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('PreProcess', function(e) { * console.log('PreProcess event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event PreProcess * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires after the contents has been processed. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('PostProcess', function(e) { * console.log('PostProcess event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event PostProcess * @param {tinymce.Event} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when the editor gets focused. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('focus', function(e) { * console.log('focus event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event focus * @param {tinymce.FocusEvent} e Event arguments. */ /** * Fires when the editor is blurred. * * @example * tinymce.init({ * ... * setup: function(editor) { * editor.on('blur', function(e) { * console.log('blur event', e); * }); * } * }); * * @event blur * @param {tinymce.FocusEvent} e Event arguments. */