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File: positions.example.php

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  Classes of Vladimir S. Bredihin   Position's Records   positions.example.php   Download  
File: positions.example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: positions example
Class: Position's Records
Manage the positions of MySQL table record tree
Author: By
Last change: delete row
print $table;
Date: 17 years ago
Size: 3,022 bytes


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$_POST; //For order :)

//Config DB connect;
$host = 'localhost';
$login = 'banners';
$password = '';
$db = 'banners';
if (!mysql_connect($host, $login, $password))
    die (
'Not connect db: '.mysql_error());
elseif (!
$this->link = mysql_select_db($db))
    die (
'Not selected db: '.mysql_error ());

/*****************CREATE EXAMPLE DATA****************************/
//Create and fill test table "t1"
@mysql_query ("CREATE TABLE t1 (
                                id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
                                parent int default '0',
                                value varchar (255),
                                position int default '1',
                                primary key (id)
//if empty table then fill
$result = mysql_query('SELECT id FROM t1 LIMIT 0,1');
if (
mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
mysql_query ("INSERT t1 SET value='Pic3'");
mysql_query ("INSERT t1 SET value='Pic1'");
$insert_id = mysql_insert_id();
mysql_query ("INSERT t1 SET value='Pic2', parent='{$insert_id}'");
mysql_query ("INSERT t1 SET value='Article1'");
mysql_query ("INSERT t1 SET value='Article3', parent='{$insert_id}'");
mysql_query ("INSERT t1 SET value='Article2'");
/*****************END CREATE EXAMPLE DATA************************/
/*********************EXAMLE USE CLASS***************************/
$table = 't1'; //this parameter is table name
$parent = '0'; //this parameter is id parent record (default null)
$id = '1'; //this parameter is id current record (default null) (In example id of record 'Pic3');
$fieldName = 'value'; //this parametr is field name in table labels' records (default 'name')
$fieldParent = 'parent'; //this parametr is is field name in table parents' records (default 'parent')

$positions = &new Positions($table, $parent, $id, $fieldName, $fieldParent);

if (!empty (

$positionsList = $positions->lst (); //this function have 2 parameters - $table and $parent;
                                    //if with calling function parameters not set then function use parameters $table and $parent seted on constroctor

//create select positions
print "<form action='{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}' method='post'>".sampleSelect ('position', $positionsList, $id)
"<input type='submit' /></form>";
$out = null;
$result = mysql_query ('SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY parent, position');
while (
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
    if (empty(
$keys = array_keys($row);
$out .= '<tr><td><b>'.implode ('</b></td><td><b>', $keys).'</b></td></tr>';
$out .= '<tr><td>'.implode ('</td><td>', $row).'</td></tr>';
if (!empty(
$out)) print '<table border=\'1\'>'.$out.'</table>';

sampleSelect($name, $data, $active)
$select = null;
    foreach (
$data as $id=>$value)
        if (
$id == $active) $selected = ' selected'; else $selected = null;
$select .= "<option value='{$id}'{$selected}>{$value}</option>";
"<select name='{$name}'>{$select}</select>";