PHP Classes

File: WIAdmin/WICore/WIJ/oldupload.js

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  Classes of Jules Warner   WICMS   WIAdmin/WICore/WIJ/oldupload.js   Download  
File: WIAdmin/WICore/WIJ/oldupload.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WICMS
Database driven content management system with PDO
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 2,287 bytes



Class file image Download
$(function(){ /* Check File API compatibility */ if (!$.fileReader()){ alert("File API is not supported on your browser"); } else{ console.log("File API is supported on your browser"); } /* createImage Event */ $(document).on("createImage", function(e){ console.log(; console.log(e.file.size); console.log(e.file.type); }); /* deleteImage Event */ $(document).on("deleteImage", function(e){ console.log(; console.log(e.file.size); console.log(e.file.type); /* if not there are images, the button is disabled */ if ($("#upload-preview").countImages() == 0) { $("#btn").attr("disabled", "disabled"); } }); /* Prevent form submit */ $("#form").on("submit", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); /* Preview and Validate */ $("#form input[type='file']").on("change", function(){ $("#upload-preview").uploadImagesPreview("#form", { image_type: "jpg|jpeg|png|gif", min_size: 24, max_size: (1024*1024*3), /* 3 Mb */ max_files: 10 }, function(){ switch(__errors__upload__) /* Check the possibles erros */ { case 'ERROR_CONTENT_TYPE': alert("Error content type"); break; case 'ERROR_MIN_SIZE': alert("Error min size"); break; case 'ERROR_MAX_SIZE': alert("Error max size"); break; case 'ERROR_MAX_FILES': alert("Error max files"); break; default: $("#btn").removeAttr("disabled"); break; /* Activate the button Form */ } }); }); /* Send form */ $("#btn").on("click", function(){ /*images are required */ if ($("#upload-preview").countImages() > 0) { $("#upload-preview").uploadImagesAjax("WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", { params: {project_name: $("#project_name").val()}, /* Set the extra parameters here */ beforeSend: function(){console.log("Sending ...");}, success: function(data){$("#upload-preview").html(data); $("#form").fadeOut();}, error: function(e){console.log(e.status);console.log(e.statusText);}, complete: function(){console.log("Completed");} }); } else{ // The button is not activated $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } }); });