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File: WICore/WIJ/WIPasswordReset.js

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File: WICore/WIJ/WIPasswordReset.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WICMS
Database driven content management system with PDO
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 4,286 bytes


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$(document).ready(function () { //catch form submit $(".form-horizontal").submit(function () { return false; }); //Forgot password button click $("#btn-forgot-password").click(function () { var email = $("#forgot-password-email"), valid = true; //remove prevuious error messages wiengine.removeErrorMessages(); //check if email is entered if($.trim(email.val()) === "") { valid = false; wiengine.displayErrorMessage(email); } //validate email format if(!wiengine.validateEmail(email.val())) { valid = false; wiengine.displayErrorMessage(email, $_lang.email_wrong_format); } //if email is valid, send reset password request to the server if(valid) passres.forgotPassword(email.val()); }); $("#btn-reset-pass").click(function () { var np = $("#password-reset-new-password"), valid = true; if($.trim(np.val()) === "") { valid = false; wiengine.displayErrorMessage(np); } if($.trim(np.val()).length <= 5) { valid = false; wiengine.displayErrorMessage(np, $_lang.password_length); } if(valid) passres.resetPassword(np.val()); }); }); /** PASSWORD RESET NAMESPACE ======================================== */ var passres = {}; /** * Resets user's password. * @param {string} newPass New password. */ passres.resetPassword = function (newPass) { //get reset password button var btn = $("#btn-reset-pass"); //change button state to indicate working process wiengine.loadingButton(btn, $_lang.resetting); //hash password var pass = CryptoJS.SHA512(newPass).toString(); //get confirmation key from url var key = wiengine.urlParam("k"); //send data to server $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "resetPassword", newPass : pass, key : key }, success: function (result) { if ( result == '' ) { //Successful. Display success mesage. wiengine.displaySuccessMessage( $("#password-reset-form fieldset"), $_lang.password_updated_successfully_login ); } else { //Error. Display error mesage. wiengine.displayErrorMessage( $("#password-reset-new-password"), result ); } //return button to normal state wiengine.removeLoadingButton(btn); } }); }; /** * Forgot password. * @param {string} userEmail User email needed for reseting password. */ passres.forgotPassword = function (userEmail) { //get forgot password button var btn = $("#btn-forgot-password"); //put button to working state wiengine.loadingButton(btn, $_lang.working); //send data to server $.ajax({ url: "WICore/WIClass/WIAjax.php", type: "POST", data: { action : "forgotPassword", email : userEmail }, success: function (result) { //display success message try { if(result == '') wiengine.displaySuccessMessage( $("#forgot-pass-form fieldset"), $_lang.password_reset_email_sent ); else { wiengine.displayErrorMessage( $("#forgot-password-email"), result ); } } catch (err) { wiengine.displayErrorMessage( $("#forgot-password-email"), $_lang.message_couldnt_be_sent ); } //return button to normal state wiengine.removeLoadingButton(btn); } }); };