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File: Application/Module/Core/Public/Js/tinymce/themes/modern/theme.min.js

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  Classes of Duong Huynh Nghia   Lego PHP   Application/Module/Core/Public/Js/tinymce/themes/modern/theme.min.js   Download  
File: Application/Module/Core/Public/Js/tinymce/themes/modern/theme.min.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Lego PHP
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tinymce.ThemeManager.add("modern", function(a){function b(b, c){var d, e = []; if (b)return o(b.split(/[ ,]/), function(b){function f(){function c(a){return function(c, d){for (var e, f = d.parents.length; f-- && (e = d.parents[f].nodeName, "OL" != e && "UL" != e); ); && e == a)}}var d = a.selection; "bullist" == g && d.selectorChanged("ul > li", c("UL")), "numlist" == g && d.selectorChanged("ol > li", c("OL")), b.settings.stateSelector && d.selectorChanged(b.settings.stateSelector, function(a){}, !0), b.settings.disabledStateSelector && d.selectorChanged(b.settings.disabledStateSelector, function(a){b.disabled(a)})}var g; "|" == b?d = null:n.has(b)?(b = {type:b, size:c}, e.push(b), d = null):(d || (d = {type:"buttongroup", items:[]}, e.push(d)), a.buttons[b] && (g = b, b = a.buttons[g], "function" == typeof b && (b = b()), b.type = b.type || "button", b.size = c, b = n.create(b), d.items.push(b), a.initialized?f():a.on("init", f)))}), {type:"toolbar", layout:"flow", items:e}}function c(a){function c(c){return c?(d.push(b(c, a)), !0):void 0}var d = []; if (tinymce.isArray(m.toolbar)){if (0 === m.toolbar.length)return; tinymce.each(m.toolbar, function(a, b){m["toolbar" + (b + 1)] = a}), delete m.toolbar}for (var e = 1; 10 > e && c(m["toolbar" + e]); e++); return d.length || m.toolbar === !1 || c(m.toolbar || t), d.length?{type:"panel", layout:"stack", classes:"toolbar-grp", ariaRoot:!0, ariaRemember:!0, items:d}:void 0}function d(){function b(b){var c; return"|" == b?{text:"|"}:c = a.menuItems[b]}function c(c){var d, e, f, g, h; if (h = tinymce.makeMap((m.removed_menuitems || "").split(/[ ,]/)), =[c], g = !0):e = s[c], e){d = {text:e.title}, f = [], o((e.items || "").split(/[ ,]/), function(a){var c = b(a); c && !h[a] && f.push(b(a))}), g || o(a.menuItems, function(a){a.context == c && ("before" == a.separator && f.push({text:"|"}), a.prependToContext?f.unshift(a):f.push(a), "after" == a.separator && f.push({text:"|"}))}); for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++)"|" == f[i].text && (0 !== i && i != f.length - 1 || f.splice(i, 1)); if ( = f, ! null}return d}var d, e = [], f = []; if ( (d in; else for (d in s)f.push(d); for (var g = "string" == typeof m.menubar?m.menubar.split(/[ ,]/):f, h = 0; h < g.length; h++){var i = g[h]; i = c(i), i && e.push(i)}return e}function e(b){function c(a){var c = b.find(a)[0]; c && c.focus(!0)}a.shortcuts.add("Alt+F9", "", function(){c("menubar")}), a.shortcuts.add("Alt+F10", "", function(){c("toolbar")}), a.shortcuts.add("Alt+F11", "", function(){c("elementpath")}), b.on("cancel", function(){a.focus()})}function f(b, c){function d(a){return{width:a.clientWidth, height:a.clientHeight}}var e, f, g, h; e = a.getContainer(), f = a.getContentAreaContainer().firstChild, g = d(e), h = d(f), null !== b && (b = Math.max(m.min_width || 100, b), b = Math.min(m.max_width || 65535, b), p.setStyle(e, "width", b + (g.width - h.width)), p.setStyle(f, "width", b)), c = Math.max(m.min_height || 100, c), c = Math.min(m.max_height || 65535, c), p.setStyle(f, "height", c),"ResizeEditor")}function g(b, c){var d = a.getContentAreaContainer(); l.resizeTo(d.clientWidth + b, d.clientHeight + c)}function h(){function c(){return a.contextToolbars || []}function d(b){var c, d, e; return c = tinymce.DOM.getPos(a.getContentAreaContainer()), d = a.dom.getRect(b), e = a.dom.getRoot(), "BODY" == e.nodeName && (d.x -= e.ownerDocument.documentElement.scrollLeft || e.scrollLeft, d.y -= e.ownerDocument.documentElement.scrollTop || e.scrollTop), d.x += c.x, d.y += c.y, d}function e(){o(a.contextToolbars, function(a){a.panel && a.panel.hide()})}function f(a, b, c){b = b?b.substr(0, 2):"", o({t:"down", b:"up"}, function(d, e){a.classes.toggle("arrow-" + d, c(e, b.substr(0, 1)))}), o({l:"left", r:"right"}, function(d, e){a.classes.toggle("arrow-" + d, c(e, b.substr(1, 1)))})}function g(a){return{left:a.x, top:a.y, width:a.w, height:a.h, right:a.x + a.w, bottom:a.y + a.h}}function h(a, b, c, d, e){return e = g({x:a, y:b, w:e.w, h:e.h}), m.inline_toolbar_position_handler && (e = m.inline_toolbar_position_handler({elementRect:g(c), contentAreaRect:g(d), panelRect:e})), e}function i(a, b){a.moveTo(b.left,}function j(b){var c, g, j, k, l, m, n, o; if (!a.removed){if (!b || !b.toolbar.panel)return void e(); n = ["bc-tc", "tc-bc", "tl-bl", "bl-tl", "tr-br", "br-tr"], l = b.toolbar.panel,, j = d(b.element), g = tinymce.DOM.getRect(l.getEl()), k = tinymce.DOM.getRect(a.getContentAreaContainer() || a.getBody()), o = 25, j.w = b.element.clientWidth, j.h = b.element.clientHeight, a.inline || (k.w = a.getDoc().documentElement.offsetWidth), a.selection.controlSelection.isResizable(b.element) && j.w < o && (j = q.inflate(j, 0, 8)), c = q.findBestRelativePosition(g, j, k, n), j = q.clamp(j, k), c?(m = q.relativePosition(g, j, c), i(l, h(m.x, m.y, j, k, g))):(k.h += g.h, j = q.intersect(k, j), j?(c = q.findBestRelativePosition(g, j, k, ["bc-tc", "bl-tl", "br-tr"]), c?(m = q.relativePosition(g, j, c), i(l, h(m.x, m.y, j, k, g))):i(l, h(j.x, j.y, j, k, g))):l.hide()), f(l, c, function(a, b){return a === b})}}function k(){function b(){a.selection && j(s(a.selection.getNode()))}tinymce.util.Delay.requestAnimationFrame(b)}function l(){t || (t = a.selection.getScrollContainer() || a.getWin(), tinymce.$(t).on("scroll", k), a.on("remove", function(){tinymce.$(t).off("scroll")}))}function p(c){var d; return c.toolbar.panel?(, void j(c)):(l(), d = n.create({type:"floatpanel", role:"dialog", classes:"tinymce tinymce-inline arrow", ariaLabel:"Inline toolbar", layout:"flex", direction:"column", align:"stretch", autohide:!1, autofix:!0, fixed:!0, border:1, items:b(c.toolbar.items), oncancel:function(){a.focus()}}), c.toolbar.panel = d, d.renderTo(document.body).reflow(), void j(c))}function r(){tinymce.each(c(), function(a){a.panel && a.panel.hide()})}function s(b){var d, e, f, g = c(); for (f = a.$(b).parents().add(b), d = f.length - 1; d >= 0; d--)for (e = g.length - 1; e >= 0; e--)if (g[e].predicate(f[d]))return{toolbar:g[e], element:f[d]}; return null}var t; a.on("click keyup setContent", function(b){("setcontent" != b.type || b.selection) && tinymce.util.Delay.setEditorTimeout(a, function(){var b; b = s(a.selection.getNode()), b?(r(), p(b)):r()})}), a.on("blur hide", r), a.on("ObjectResizeStart", function(){var b = s(a.selection.getNode()); b && b.toolbar.panel && b.toolbar.panel.hide()}), a.on("nodeChange ResizeEditor ResizeWindow", k), a.on("remove", function(){tinymce.each(c(), function(a){a.panel && a.panel.remove()}), a.contextToolbars = {}}), a.shortcuts.add("ctrl+shift+e > ctrl+shift+p", "", function(){var b = s(a.selection.getNode()); b && b.toolbar.panel && b.toolbar.panel.items()[0].focus()})}function i(a){return function(){a.initialized?"SkinLoaded"):a.on("init", function(){"SkinLoaded")})}}function j(b){function f(){if (o && o.moveRel && o.visible() && !o._fixed){var b = a.selection.getScrollContainer(), c = a.getBody(), d = 0, e = 0; if (b){var f = p.getPos(c), g = p.getPos(b); d = Math.max(0, g.x - f.x), e = Math.max(0, g.y - f.y)}o.fixed(!1).moveRel(c, a.rtl?["tr-br", "br-tr"]:["tl-bl", "bl-tl", "tr-br"]).moveBy(d, e)}}function g(){o && (, f(), p.addClass(a.getBody(), "mce-edit-focus"))}function j(){o && (o.hide(), r.hideAll(), p.removeClass(a.getBody(), "mce-edit-focus"))}function k(){return o?void(o.visible() || g()):(o = l.panel = n.create({type:q?"panel":"floatpanel", role:"application", classes:"tinymce tinymce-inline", layout:"flex", direction:"column", align:"stretch", autohide:!1, autofix:!0, fixed:!!q, border:1, items:[m.menubar === !1?null:{type:"menubar", border:"0 0 1 0", items:d()}, c(m.toolbar_items_size)]}),"BeforeRenderUI"), o.renderTo(q || document.body).reflow(), e(o), g(), h(), a.on("nodeChange", f), a.on("activate", g), a.on("deactivate", j), void a.nodeChanged())}var o, q; return m.fixed_toolbar_container && (q =[0]), m.content_editable = !0, a.on("focus", function(){b.skinUiCss?tinymce.DOM.styleSheetLoader.load(b.skinUiCss, k, k):k()}), a.on("blur hide", j), a.on("remove", function(){o && (o.remove(), o = null)}), b.skinUiCss && tinymce.DOM.styleSheetLoader.load(b.skinUiCss, i(a)), {}}function k(b){function g(){return function(a){"readonly" == a.mode?j.find("*").disabled(!0):j.find("*").disabled(!1)}}var j, k, o; return b.skinUiCss && tinymce.DOM.styleSheetLoader.load(b.skinUiCss, i(a)), j = l.panel = n.create({type:"panel", role:"application", classes:"tinymce", style:"visibility: hidden", layout:"stack", border:1, items:[m.menubar === !1?null:{type:"menubar", border:"0 0 1 0", items:d()}, c(m.toolbar_items_size), {type:"panel", name:"iframe", layout:"stack", classes:"edit-area", html:"", border:"1 0 0 0"}]}), m.resize !== !1 && (k = {type:"resizehandle", direction:m.resize, onResizeStart:function(){var b = a.getContentAreaContainer().firstChild; o = {width:b.clientWidth, height:b.clientHeight}}, onResize:function(a){"both" == m.resize?f(o.width + a.deltaX, o.height + a.deltaY):f(null, o.height + a.deltaY)}}), m.statusbar !== !1 && j.add({type:"panel", name:"statusbar", classes:"statusbar", layout:"flow", border:"1 0 0 0", ariaRoot:!0, items:[{type:"elementpath", editor:a}, k]}),"BeforeRenderUI"), a.on("SwitchMode", g()), j.renderBefore(b.targetNode).reflow(), m.readonly && a.setMode("readonly"), m.width && tinymce.DOM.setStyle(j.getEl(), "width", m.width), a.on("remove", function(){j.remove(), j = null}), e(j), h(), {iframeContainer:j.find("#iframe")[0].getEl(), editorContainer:j.getEl()}}var l = this, m = a.settings, n = tinymce.ui.Factory, o = tinymce.each, p = tinymce.DOM, q = tinymce.geom.Rect, r = tinymce.ui.FloatPanel, s = {file:{title:"File", items:"newdocument"}, edit:{title:"Edit", items:"undo redo | cut copy paste pastetext | selectall"}, insert:{title:"Insert", items:"|"}, view:{title:"View", items:"visualaid |"}, format:{title:"Format", items:"bold italic underline strikethrough superscript subscript | formats | removeformat"}, table:{title:"Table"}, tools:{title:"Tools"}}, t = "undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image"; l.renderUI = function(b){var c = !== !1? || "lightgray":!1; if (c){var d = m.skin_url; d = d?a.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(d):tinymce.baseURL + "/skins/" + c, tinymce.Env.documentMode <= 7?b.skinUiCss = d + "/skin.ie7.min.css":b.skinUiCss = d + "/skin.min.css", a.contentCSS.push(d + "/content" + (a.inline?".inline":"") + ".min.css")}return a.on("ProgressState", function(a){l.throbber = l.throbber || new tinymce.ui.Throbber(l.panel.getEl("body")), a.state?}), m.inline?j(b):k(b)}, l.resizeTo = f, l.resizeBy = g});