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File: resources/color_functions.js

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File: resources/color_functions.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: JS Scripts files
Class: HTML Friends
PHP wrapper to use DHTML widgets
Author: By
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Date: 18 years ago
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function baseConverter (number,ob,nb) { number = number + ""; number = number.toUpperCase(); var list = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; var dec = 0; for (var i = 0; i <= number.length; i++) { dec += (list.indexOf(number.charAt(i))) * (Math.pow(ob , (number.length - i - 1))); } number = ""; var magnitude = Math.floor((Math.log(dec))/(Math.log(nb))); for (var i = magnitude; i >= 0; i--) { var amount = Math.floor(dec/Math.pow(nb,i)); number = number + list.charAt(amount); dec -= amount*(Math.pow(nb,i)); } if(number.length==0)number=0; return number; } // Converts a RGB color to HSV function toHSV(rgbColor){ rgbColor = rgbColor.replace('#',''); red = baseConverter(rgbColor.substr(0,2),16,10); green = baseConverter(rgbColor.substr(2,2),16,10); blue = baseConverter(rgbColor.substr(4,2),16,10); if(red.length==0)red=0; if(green.length==0)green=0; if(blue.length==0)blue=0; red = red/255; green = green/255; blue = blue/255; maxValue = Math.max(red,green,blue); minValue = Math.min(red,green,blue); var hue = 0; if(maxValue==minValue){ hue = 0; saturation=0; }else{ if(red == maxValue){ hue = (green - blue) / (maxValue-minValue)/1; }else if(green == maxValue){ hue = 2 + (blue - red)/1 / (maxValue-minValue)/1; }else if(blue == maxValue){ hue = 4 + (red - green) / (maxValue-minValue)/1; } saturation = (maxValue-minValue) / maxValue; } hue = hue * 60; valueBrightness = maxValue; if(valueBrightness/1<0.5){ //saturation = (maxValue - minValue) / (maxValue + minValue); } if(valueBrightness/1>= 0.5){ //saturation = (maxValue - minValue) / (2 - maxValue - minValue); } returnArray = [hue,saturation,valueBrightness]; return returnArray; } function toRgb(hue,saturation,valueBrightness){ Hi = Math.floor(hue / 60); if(hue==360)Hi=0; f = hue/60 - Hi; p = (valueBrightness * (1- saturation)).toPrecision(2); q = (valueBrightness * (1 - (f * saturation))).toPrecision(2); t = (valueBrightness * (1 - ((1-f)*saturation))).toPrecision(2); switch(Hi){ case 0: red = valueBrightness; green = t; blue = p; break; case 1: red = q; green = valueBrightness; blue = p; break; case 2: red = q; green = valueBrightness; blue = t; break; case 3: red = p; green = q;; blue = valueBrightness; break; case 4: red = t; green = p; blue = valueBrightness; break; case 5: red = valueBrightness; green = p; blue = q; break; } if(saturation==0){ red = valueBrightness; green = valueBrightness; blue = valueBrightness; } red*=255; green*=255; blue*=255; red = Math.round(red); green = Math.round(green); blue = Math.round(blue); red = baseConverter(red,10,16); green = baseConverter(green,10,16); blue = baseConverter(blue,10,16); red = red + ""; green = green + ""; blue = blue + ""; while(red.length<2){ red = "0" + red; } while(green.length<2){ green = "0" + green; } while(blue.length<2){ blue = "0" + "" + blue; } rgbColor = "#" + red + "" + green + "" + blue; return rgbColor.toUpperCase(); } function findColorByDegrees(rgbColor,degrees){ rgbColor = rgbColor.replace('#',''); myArray = toHSV(rgbColor); myArray[0]+=degrees; if(myArray[0]>=360)myArray[0]-=360; if(myArray[0]<0)myArray[0]+=360; return toRgb(myArray[0],myArray[1],myArray[2]); } function findColorByBrightness(rgbColor,brightness){ rgbColor = rgbColor.replace('#',''); myArray = toHSV(rgbColor); myArray[2]+=brightness/100; if(myArray[2]>1)myArray[2]=1; if(myArray[2]<0)myArray[2]=0; myArray[1]+=brightness/100; if(myArray[1]>1)myArray[1]=1; if(myArray[1]<0)myArray[1]=0; return toRgb(myArray[0],myArray[1],myArray[2]); }