PHP Classes

File: resources/calendar.css

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  Classes of Piotr Malinski   HTML Friends   resources/calendar.css   Download  
File: resources/calendar.css
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: JS Scripts files
Class: HTML Friends
PHP wrapper to use DHTML widgets
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 1,393 bytes



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.clsDataArea{ width:160; background : #F4F4F4; } .clsOuterFrame { background-color : #3F738D; } .clsInnerFrame { background-color : #7BA1B1; } .clsTopPartNavpanel { background-color : #C7DCDE; height: 3px; } .clsBottomPartNavpanel{ background-color : #59879D; height: 3px; } .clsNavpanel { background-color : #7BA1B1; } .clsDateGrid{ background-color : #3F738D; } .clsWeekDay{ background-color: #ECECF1; font: bold 11px Verdana, Arrial Narrow, sans-serif; color: #3F738D; width : 15 px; text-align: center; } .clsSelectedDayCell{ background-color: #F22800; text-align: center; } .clsWorkDayCell{ background-color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; width : 15 px; } .clsHoliDayCell{ background-color: #DCE6F0; text-align: center; width : 15 px; } .clsOtherMonthDayCell{ background-color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; width : 15 px; } .clsOtherMonthDay{ font: 11px Verdana, Arrial Narrow, sans-serif; color: Silver; text-decoration : none; } .clsCurrentMonthDay{ font: 11px Verdana, Arrial Narrow, sans-serif; color: #3F738D; text-decoration : none; } .clsSelectedDay{ font: 11px Verdana, Arrial Narrow, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration : none; } .clsInfoTitle{ font: 11px Verdana, Arrial Narrow, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; }