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File: sql.class.php

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File: sql.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: the class
Class: Jack's MySQL class
MySQL database access wrapper
Author: By
Last change: little bug fixed
Date: 17 years ago
Size: 16,266 bytes



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<?php /** * @file : sql.class.php * @desc : basic mysql functions * @lmod : 13.05.2007 */ class sql { // database connection handler var $connection = false; // query results holder var $res; // query stats var $num_rows; var $num_flds; var $num_aff; var $last_id; // default fetch row var $fetch_method = 'object'; /** * @desc : the constructor, connect to mySQL server * @param $dbhost : string : database host * @param $dbuser : string : database user * @param $dbpass : string : database user pass * @param $dbname : string : database name * @return : boolean : connection status */ function sql($dbhost=0, $dbuser=0, $dbpass=0, $dbname=0) { // get my globals global $_DBHOST, $_DBUSER, $_DBNAME, $_DBPASS; // if some of the connection values is missing replace it $dbhost = $dbhost ? $dbhost : $_DBHOST; $dbuser = $dbuser ? $dbuser : $_DBUSER; $dbpass = $dbpass ? $dbpass : $_DBPASS; $dbname = $dbname ? $dbname : $_DBNAME; // try to connect if (!$this->connection = $this->connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname)) { $this->error('connection error'); return false; } return true; } /** * @desc : set default fetch method * @param $method : string : method name(object, array, assoc, row) */ function setFetchMethod($method) { $this->fetch_method = $method; } /** * @desc : display error message * @param $err : sting : error message */ function error($error) { print $error . (mysql_error() ? ': ' . mysql_error() : '' ); } /** * @desc : connect to mySQL server * @param $dbhost : string : database host * @param $dbuser : string : database user * @param $dbpass : string : database user pass * @param $dbname : string : database name * @return : boolean : connection status */ function connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname) { // if there is connection, disconnect first if ($this->connection) { $this->disconnect(); } // default database handler $dbh = false; // connect to mySQL server and database if (!$dbh = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass)) { return false; } elseif (mysql_select_db($dbname)) { return $dbh; } return false; } /** * @desc : disconnect from mySQL server * @return : boolean : is disconnection succesful */ function disconnect() { // if there isn't connection, just return true; if (!$this->connection) { return true; } // disconnect if (mysql_close($this->connection)) { return true; } return false; } /** * @desc : makes mySQL query * @param $query : string : query * @param $index : int : query index * @return : boolean : query status */ function query($query, $index=0) { // query if (!$this->res[$index] = mysql_query($query, $this->connection)) { // if query fail show error $this->error('<strong>invalid query</strong>:<br />' . $query . '<br />'); return false; } // statistical information $this->num_rows[$index] = @mysql_num_rows($this->res[$index]); $this->num_flds[$index] = @mysql_num_fields($this->res[$index]); $this->num_aff[$index] = @mysql_affected_rows(); $this->last_id = @mysql_insert_id($this->connection); return true; } /** * @desc : makes mySQL query and return its result + free this result * @param $query : string : query * @param $index : int : query index * @return $row : boolean : query result */ function query1($qry, $index=0, $method=false) { $this->query($qry, $index); $row = $this->getrow($index, false, $method); if ($row) { $this->free_result($index); } return $row; } /** * @desc : fetch result * @param $index : int : result index * @param $rown : int : which row to fetch (count starts at 0) * @param $method : string : fetch method (object, array, assoc, row) * @return $row : : row data */ function getrow($index=0, $rown=false, $method=false) { // check if there is a result to fetch if (!$this->getnumrows($index)) { return false; } // check if we seek for row that is invalid for that result if ($rown !== false && ($row > ($this->getnumrows($index) - 1)) ) { $this->error('invalid row'); return false; } elseif ($rown != false) { // seek for selected row number mysql_data_seek($this->res[$index], $rown); } // fetch row depending on fetching method $method = $method ? $method : $this->fetch_method; switch ($method) { case 'array': $row = @mysql_fetch_array($this->res[$index]); break; case 'assoc': $row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($this->res[$index]); break; case 'row': $row = @mysql_fetch_row($this->res[$index]); break; default: // 'object' method is the default $row = @mysql_fetch_object($this->res[$index]); break; } if (!$row || $rown !== false) { $this->free_result($index); } return $row; } /** * @desc : get the number of selected rows * @param $index : int : result index * @return : int : rows number */ function getnumrows($index=0) { return $this->num_rows[$index]; } /** * @desc : get the number of selected fields * @param $index : int : result index * @return : int : fields number */ function getnumflds($index=0) { return $this->num_flds[$index]; } /** * @desc : get the number of affected rows * @param $index : int : result index * @return : int : affected rows number */ function getnumaff($index=0) { return $this->num_aff[$index]; } /** * @desc : get last insert id, generated by INSERT query * @return : int : last insert id */ function getlastid() { return $this->last_id; } /** * @desc : free mysql result from mysql and the class * @param $index : int : result index * @return : boolean : status */ function free_result($index=0) { // unset(delete) all statistical information for the selected result mysql_free_result($this->res[$index]); unset($this->num_rows[$index]); unset($this->num_flds[$index]); unset($this->num_aff[$index]); unset($this->res[$index]); // free mysql result return true; } /** * @desc : get next free index number * @return $i : int : next index */ function nextindex() { for($i=0; $this->num_rows[$i]; $i++); return $i; } /** * @desc : escape mySQl string * @param $str : string : original string * @return : string : escaped string */ function escape($str) { $str = stripslashes($str); $str = mysql_real_escape_string($str); return $str; } /** * @desc : full mysql escape(mainly for search queryies) * @param $str : string : original string * @return $str : string : escaped string */ function escape_full($str) { $str = $this->escape($str); $str = preg_replace("/(\_|\%)/", '\\\$1', $str); return $str; } /** * @desc : quote strings(the function arguments) * @return $str : string : quoted strings */ function quote() { $str = array(); $args = func_get_args(); foreach ($args as $val) { $str[] = '"' . $this->escape($val) . '" '; } return join(', ', $str); } /** * @desc : generates where conditions * @param $cond : contitions * @return : sql where conditions */ function where($cond) { if (!$cond) { return ''; } if (is_numeric($cond)) { return "WHERE id='{$cond}' "; } if (is_array($cond)) { $vals = array(); foreach($cond as $field => $value) { $vals[] = is_numeric($field) ? $value : $field . '=' . $this->quote($value); } return 'WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $vals) . ' '; } return "WHERE {$cond} "; } /* * @desc : generate insert query * @param $table : string : table name * @param $values : array : values to insert ([field name] => field value) * @param $avalues : array : addition values (without '') * @return : int : last added primary key or false on error */ function insert($table, $values, $avalues=0) { if (!is_array($values)) { return false; } // set $flds and $vals param to array $flds = array(); $vals = array(); // construct query foreach ($values as $key => $val) { $flds[] = $key; $vals[] = "'{$val}'"; } // if there is additional values if (is_array($avalues)) { foreach ($avalues as $key => $val) { $flds[] = $key; $vals[] = $val; } } // strip commas and whitespace from the end $flds = join(', ', $flds); $vals = join(', ', $vals); // try to make insert query and return last added id if ($this->query("INSERT INTO {$table} ( {$flds} ) VALUES ( {$vals} )")) { return $this->getlastid(); } return false; } /* * @desc : generate update query * @param $table : string : table name * @param $values : array : values to update ([field name] => field value) * @param $cond : string : conditions for update * @return : boolean : query status */ function update($table, $values, $cond=0) { if (!is_array($values)) { return false; } // add update to the query first $qry = array(); foreach ((array)$values as $key => $val) { $qry[] = is_numeric($key) ? $val : $key . "='{$val}'"; } // now generate query return $this->query("UPDATE {$table} SET " . join(', ', $qry) . $this->where($cond)); } /** * @desc : set info in $table * @param $table : string : table name * @param $values : array : values to set ([field name] => field value) * @param $key : string : table primary key, can be array with [key] => kval * @param $kval : string : primary key value * @return : int : setted datebase record id */ function set($table, $values, $key=0, $kval=0) { // check ig $key is array [key] => kval if (is_array($key)) { // gen. conditions string $cond = array(); foreach ($key as $kname => $kval) { $cond[] = "{$kname}='{$kval}' "; } $cond = join('AND ', $cond); // get first key as primary reset($key); $kval = current($key); $key = key($key); } elseif ($kval) // if kval is setted { // gen. conditions string $cond = "{$key}='{$kval}'"; } // check if there are setted conditions if ($cond) { // check if record with that conditions exists $this->query("SELECT {$key} FROM {$table} WHERE {$cond} LIMIT 1"); if ($this->getnumrows() > 0) { // if there are no values delete record if (!is_array($values)) { // delete record return $this->query("DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE {$cond}"); } // update record if ($this->update($table, $values, $cond)) { return $kval; } return 0; } } // insert new record if ($this->insert($table, $values)) { return $this->getlastid(); } return 0; } /** * @desc : delete information from table(s) * @param $table : string/array : table(s) name(s) * @param $cond : string/int : condiotions for delete(if some) * @return : boolean : is deleting succesful */ function delete($table, $cond=0) { // check if $table is a single table or a list of tables if (!is_array($table)) { // delete record(s) from one table return $this->query("DELETE FROM {$table} ". $this->where($cond)); } // in case $table is array // it must contain the list of tables // from which we must delete record(s) foreach ($table as $tname) { if (!$this->delete($tname, $cond)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @desc : make selet query and execute it * @param $table : string : table * @param $fields : string : fields to select * @param $cond : string : select conditions * @param $limit : string : limit conditions (if 1 return only the first recods * @param $index : int : query index * @return : boolean : query status */ function select($table, $fields='*', $cond=false, $limit=false, $index=0) { $qry = 'SELECT ' . ( is_array($fields) ? join(',', $fields) : $fields ) . " FROM {$table} "; $qry .= $this->where($cond); $qry .= $limit ? "LIMIT {$limit} " : ''; if ($limit == 1) { return $this->query1($qry, $index); } if (!$this->query($qry, $index)) { return false; } return true; } /** * @desc : dumps table(s) structure * @param $table : string : table to dump * @param $prefix : string : prefix for table code * @param $suffix : string : suffix for table code * @param $type : string : tables TYPE or ENGINE (def: MyISAM) * @return $str : string : sql codes for table(s) structure */ function table_info($table=0, $prefix=0, $suffix=0, $type='MyISAM') { // set sring to dumping $str = ''; if (!$table) { // select all tables $this->query('SHOW TABLES '); while ($row = $this->getrow(0, false, 'array')) { $str .= $this->table_info(current($row), $prefix, $suffix, $type); } return $str; } elseif (is_array($table)) { // select listed tables foreach ($table as $tbl) { $str .= $this->table_info(current($row), $prefix, $suffix, $type); } return $str; } // describe table $this->query("DESCRIBE {$table}", 1); // create table query string $flds = "CREATE TABLE {$table}"; $flds .= "\n(\n"; while ($res = $this->getrow(1)) { $flds .= "\t" . $res->Field . "\t\t" . strtoupper(trim($res->Type)); $flds .= $res->Null == 'NO' ? ' NOT NULL' : ' '; $flds .= $res->Default && $res->Default != 'NULL' ? "DEFAULT '{$res->Default}'" : ''; $flds .= $res->Extra ? ' ' . strtoupper($res->Extra) : ''; $flds .= $res->Key == 'PRI' ? ' PRIMARY KEY' : ''; $flds .= ",\n"; } $flds = rtrim($flds, ",\n"); $flds .= "\n)"; $flds .= $type ? " TYPE={$type}; " : ''; $flds .= "\n"; // add table info to return string $str .= $prefix ? $prefix : ''; $str .= "\n {$flds}"; $str .= $suffix ? $suffix : ''; $str .= "\n\n"; return $str; } /** * @desc : dumps table(s) content * @param $table : string : table to dump * @param $prefix : string : prefix for table code * @param $suffix : string : suffix for table code * @param $skip : array : fields to skip * @return $str : string : sql codes for table(s) content */ function table_content($table=0, $prefix=0, $suffix=0, $skip=array()) { // set sring to dumping $str = ''; // if there is not table added just show contend from all tables if (!$table) { // select all tables $this->query('SHOW TABLES '); while ($row = $this->getrow(0, false, 'array')) { $str .= $this->table_content(current($row), $prefix, $suffix, $skip); } return $str; } elseif (is_array($table)) { // select form listed tables foreach ($table as $tbl) { $str .= $this->table_content(current($row), $prefix, $suffix, $skip); } return $str; } // select *(all) from table $this->query("SELECT * FROM {$table} ", 1); while($res = $this->getrow(1)) { // cover result object to array $res = get_object_vars($res); // dump table content $keys = array(); $vals = array(); foreach ($res as $key => $val) { // skip this field ? if (in_array($key, (array) $skip)) { continue; } $keys[] = $key; $vals[] = "'" . $val . "'"; } $keys = join(', ', $keys); $vals = join(', ', $vals); $str .= $prefix ? $prefix : ''; $str .= "INSERT INTO {$table} ( {$keys} ) VALUES ( {$vals} ) "; $str .= $suffix ? $suffix : ''; $str .= "\n"; } return $str; } } ?>