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  Classes of KL Liew   IP2Location   Download  
Role: Class source
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Description: IP2Location PHP API
Class: IP2Location
Lookup the geographic location of an IP address
Author: By
Last change: a) Support IPv6
b) Support Time Zone and Net Speed
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 29,000 bytes



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<?php /* * * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 * * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ define("VERSION", "2.10"); define("UNKNOWN", "UNKNOWN IP ADDRESS"); define("NO_IP", "MISSING IP ADDRESS"); define("FILEHANDLE_NULL", "Unable to open binary input file "); define("INVALID_IPV6_ADDRESS", "INVALID IPV6 ADDRESS"); define("INVALID_IPV4_ADDRESS", "INVALID IPV4 ADDRESS"); define("NOT_SUPPORTED", "This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file."); define("MAX_IPV4_RANGE", 4294967295); define("MAX_IPV6_RANGE", "340282366920938463463374607431768211455"); define("IP_COUNTRY", 1); define("IP_COUNTRY_ISP", 2); define("IP_COUNTRY_REGION_CITY", 3); define("IP_COUNTRY_REGION_CITY_ISP", 4); define("IP_COUNTRY_REGION_CITY_LATITUDE_LONGITUDE", 5); define("IP_COUNTRY_REGION_CITY_LATITUDE_LONGITUDE_ISP", 6); define("IP_COUNTRY_REGION_CITY_ISP_DOMAIN", 7); define("IP_COUNTRY_REGION_CITY_LATITUDE_LONGITUDE_ISP_DOMAIN", 8); define("IP_COUNTRY_REGION_CITY_LATITUDE_LONGITUDE_ZIPCODE", 9); define("IP_COUNTRY_REGION_CITY_LATITUDE_LONGITUDE_ZIPCODE_ISP_DOMAIN", 10); define("IP_COUNTRY_REGION_CITY_LATITUDE_LONGITUDE_ZIPCODE_TIMEZONE", 11); define("IP_COUNTRY_REGION_CITY_LATITUDE_LONGITUDE_ZIPCODE_TIMEZONE_ISP_DOMAIN", 12); define("IP_COUNTRY_REGION_CITY_LATITUDE_LONGITUDE_TIMEZONE_NETSPEED", 13); define("IP_COUNTRY_REGION_CITY_LATITUDE_LONGITUDE_ZIPCODE_TIMEZONE_ISP_DOMAIN_NETSPEED", 14); define("COUNTRYSHORT", 1); define("COUNTRYLONG", 2); define("REGION", 3); define("CITY", 4); define("ISP", 5); define("LATITUDE", 6); define("LONGITUDE", 7); define("DOMAIN", 8); define("ZIPCODE", 9); define("TIMEZONE", 10); define("NETSPEED", 11); define("ALL", 100); define("IP2LOCATION_STANDARD", 20); define("IPV4", 0); define("IPV6", 1); function big_endian_unpack ($format, $data) { $ar = unpack ($format, $data); $vals = array_values ($ar); $f = explode ('/', $format); $i = 0; foreach ($f as $f_k => $f_v) { $repeater = intval (substr ($f_v, 1)); if ($repeater == 0) $repeater = 1; if ($f_v{1} == '*') { $repeater = count ($ar) - $i; } if ($f_v{0} != 'd') { $i += $repeater; continue; } $j = $i + $repeater; for ($a = $i; $a < $j; ++$a) { $p = pack ('d',$vals[$i]); $p = strrev ($p); list ($vals[$i]) = array_values (unpack ('d1d', $p)); ++$i; } } $a = 0; foreach ($ar as $ar_k => $ar_v) { $ar[$ar_k] = $vals[$a]; ++$a; } return $ar; } list ($endiantest) = array_values (unpack ('L1L', pack ('V',1))); if ($endiantest != 1) define ('BIG_ENDIAN_MACHINE',1); if (defined ('BIG_ENDIAN_MACHINE')) $unpack_workaround = 'big_endian_unpack'; else $unpack_workaround = 'unpack'; class IP2Location { var $flags; var $filehandle; var $databasetype; var $databasecolumn; var $databaseyear; var $databasemonth; var $databaseday; var $databasecount; var $databaseaddr; } class IP2LocationRecord { var $country_short; var $country_long; var $region; var $city; var $isp; var $latitude; var $longitude; var $domain; var $zipcode; var $timezone; var $netspeed; var $ipaddr; var $ipno; } function IP2Location_open ($filename, $flags) { $ip = new IP2Location; $ip->flags = $flags; $ip->filehandle = fopen($filename,"rb"); if ($ip->filehandle === false) { echo FILEHANDLE_NULL . $filename . ".\n";; return 0; } $ip = IP2Location_initialize($ip); return $ip; } function IP2Location_close ($ip) { if ($ip->filehandle == NULL) { return NULL; } return fclose($ip->filehandle); } function IP2Location_initialize ($ip) { $ip->databasetype = IP2Location_read8($ip, 1); $ip->databasecolumn = IP2Location_read8($ip, 2); $ip->databaseyear = IP2Location_read8($ip, 3); $ip->databasemonth = IP2Location_read8($ip, 4); $ip->databaseday = IP2Location_read8($ip, 5); $ip->databasecount = IP2Location_read32($ip, 6); $ip->databaseaddr = IP2Location_read32($ip, 10); $ip->ipversion = IP2Location_read32($ip, 14); return $ip; } function IP2Location_get_module_version () { return VERSION; } function IP2Location_get_country_short ($ip, $ipaddr) { if ($ip->{"ipversion"} == IPV6) { return IP2Location_get_ipv6_record($ip, $ipaddr, COUNTRYSHORT); } else { return IP2Location_get_record($ip, $ipaddr, COUNTRYSHORT); } } function IP2Location_get_country_long ($ip, $ipaddr) { if ($ip->{"ipversion"} == IPV6) { return IP2Location_get_ipv6_record($ip, $ipaddr, COUNTRYLONG); } else { return IP2Location_get_record($ip, $ipaddr, COUNTRYLONG); } } function IP2Location_get_region ($ip, $ipaddr) { if ($ip->{"ipversion"} == IPV6) { return IP2Location_get_ipv6_record($ip, $ipaddr, REGION); } else { return IP2Location_get_record($ip, $ipaddr, REGION); } } function IP2Location_get_city ($ip, $ipaddr) { if ($ip->{"ipversion"} == IPV6) { return IP2Location_get_ipv6_record($ip, $ipaddr, CITY); } else { return IP2Location_get_record($ip, $ipaddr, CITY); } } function IP2Location_get_isp ($ip, $ipaddr) { if ($ip->{"ipversion"} == IPV6) { return IP2Location_get_ipv6_record($ip, $ipaddr, ISP); } else { return IP2Location_get_record($ip, $ipaddr, ISP); } } function IP2Location_get_latitude ($ip, $ipaddr) { if ($ip->{"ipversion"} == IPV6) { return IP2Location_get_ipv6_record($ip, $ipaddr, LATITUDE); } else { return IP2Location_get_record($ip, $ipaddr, LATITUDE); } } function IP2Location_get_longitude ($ip, $ipaddr) { if ($ip->{"ipversion"} == IPV6) { return IP2Location_get_ipv6_record($ip, $ipaddr, LONGITUDE); } else { return IP2Location_get_record($ip, $ipaddr, LONGITUDE); } } function IP2Location_get_zipcode ($ip, $ipaddr) { if ($ip->{"ipversion"} == IPV6) { return IP2Location_get_ipv6_record($ip, $ipaddr, ZIPCODE); } else { return IP2Location_get_record($ip, $ipaddr, ZIPCODE); } } function IP2Location_get_domain ($ip, $ipaddr) { if ($ip->{"ipversion"} == IPV6) { return IP2Location_get_ipv6_record($ip, $ipaddr, DOMAIN); } else { return IP2Location_get_record($ip, $ipaddr, DOMAIN); } } function IP2Location_get_timezone ($ip, $ipaddr) { if ($ip->{"ipversion"} == IPV6) { return IP2Location_get_ipv6_record($ip, $ipaddr, TIMZONE); } else { return IP2Location_get_record($ip, $ipaddr, TIMEZONE); } } function IP2Location_get_netspeed ($ip, $ipaddr) { if ($ip->{"ipversion"} == IPV6) { return IP2Location_get_ipv6_record($ip, $ipaddr, NETSPEED); } else { return IP2Location_get_record($ip, $ipaddr, NETSPEED); } } function IP2Location_read8 ($ip, $pos) { global $unpack_workaround; if ($ip->filehandle == NULL) { return NULL; } fseek($ip->filehandle, $pos-1, SEEK_SET); $data = fread($ip->filehandle, 1); $adata = $unpack_workaround("C", $data); return $adata[1]; } function IP2Location_read32 ($ip, $pos) { global $unpack_workaround; if ($ip->filehandle == NULL) { return NULL; } fseek($ip->filehandle, $pos-1, SEEK_SET); $data = fread($ip->filehandle, 4); $adata = $unpack_workaround('V', $data); if ($adata[1] < 0) { $adata[1] += 4294967296; } return (int)$adata[1]; } function IP2Location_read128 ($ip, $pos) { global $unpack_workaround; if ($ip->filehandle == NULL) { return NULL; } fseek($ip->filehandle, $pos-1, SEEK_SET); $data = fread($ip->filehandle, 16); return IP2Location_bytes2int($data); } function IP2Location_readStr ($ip, $pos) { global $unpack_workaround; if ($ip->filehandle == NULL) { return NULL; } fseek($ip->filehandle, $pos, SEEK_SET); $size = fread($ip->filehandle, 1); $adata = $unpack_workaround("C", $size); $data = fread($ip->filehandle, $adata[1]); return $data; } function IP2Location_readFloat ($ip, $pos) { global $unpack_workaround; if ($ip->filehandle == NULL) { return NULL; } fseek($ip->filehandle, $pos-1, SEEK_SET); $data = fread($ip->filehandle, 4); $adata = $unpack_workaround("f", $data); return $adata[1]; } function IP2Location_bytes2int ($bindata) { global $unpack_workaround; $array = preg_split('//', $bindata, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if(count($array) != 16) { return 0; } $ip96_127 = $unpack_workaround("V", $array[0] . $array[1] . $array[2] . $array[3]); $ip64_95 = $unpack_workaround("V", $array[4] . $array[5] . $array[6] . $array[7]); $ip32_63 = $unpack_workaround("V", $array[8] . $array[9] . $array[10] . $array[11]); $ip1_31 = $unpack_workaround("V", $array[12] . $array[13] . $array[14] . $array[15]); if ($ip96_127[1] < 0) { $ip96_127[1] += 4294967296; } if ($ip64_95[1] < 0) { $ip64_95[1] += 4294967296; } if ($ip32_63[1] < 0) { $ip32_63[1] += 4294967296; } if ($ip1_31[1] < 0) { $ip1_31[1] += 4294967296; } $bcresult = bcadd( bcadd( bcmul($ip1_31[1], bcpow(4294967296, 3)), bcmul($ip32_63[1], bcpow(4294967296, 2))), bcadd( bcmul($ip64_95[1], 4294967296),$ip96_127[1])); return $bcresult; } function IP2Location_ip2no ($ipaddr) { global $unpack_workaround; $long_ip = ip2long($ipaddr); if ($long_ip < 0) { $long_ip += pow(2,32); } return $long_ip; } function IP2Location_name2ip ($name) { return gethostbyname($name); } function IP2Location_get_ipv6_record ($ip, $ipaddr, $mode) { $IPV6_COUNTRY_POSITION = array(0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2); $IPV6_REGION_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3); $IPV6_CITY_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4); $IPV6_ISP_POSITION = array(0, 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 7, 5, 7, 0, 8, 0, 9, 0, 9); $IPV6_LATITUDE_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5); $IPV6_LONGITUDE_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 0, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6); $IPV6_DOMAIN_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 8, 0, 9, 0, 10,0, 10); $IPV6_ZIPCODE_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 7, 7, 7, 0, 7); $IPV6_TIMEZONE_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 7, 8); $IPV6_NETSPEED_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 11); $dbtype = $ip->databasetype; if ($ipaddr == "") { return NO_IP; } $record = new IP2LocationRecord; if (!IP2Location_ip_is_ipv6($ipaddr)) { $record->country_short = INVALID_IPV6_ADDRESS; $record->country_long = INVALID_IPV6_ADDRESS; $record->region = INVALID_IPV6_ADDRESS; $record->city = INVALID_IPV6_ADDRESS; $record->isp = INVALID_IPV6_ADDRESS; $record->latitude = INVALID_IPV6_ADDRESS; $record->longitude = INVALID_IPV6_ADDRESS; $record->domain = INVALID_IPV6_ADDRESS; $record->zipcode = INVALID_IPV6_ADDRESS; $record->timezone = INVALID_IPV6_ADDRESS; $record->netspeed = INVALID_IPV6_ADDRESS; $record->ipaddr = INVALID_IPV6_ADDRESS; $record->ipno = INVALID_IPV6_ADDRESS; return $record; } if (($mode == COUNTRYSHORT) && ($IPV6_COUNTRY_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { $record->country_short = NOT_SUPPORTED; return $record; } if (($mode == COUNTRYLONG) && ($IPV6_COUNTRY_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { $record->country_long = NOT_SUPPORTED; return $record; } if (($mode == REGION) && ($IPV6_REGION_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { $record->region = NOT_SUPPORTED; return $record; } if (($mode == CITY) && ($IPV6_CITY_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { $record->city = NOT_SUPPORTED; return $record; } if (($mode == ISP) && ($IPV6_ISP_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { $record->isp = NOT_SUPPORTED; return $record; } if (($mode == LATITUDE) && ($LIPV6_ATITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { $record->latitude = NOT_SUPPORTED; return $record; } if (($mode == LONGITUDE) && ($IPV6_LONGITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { $record->longitude = NOT_SUPPORTED; return $record; } if (($mode == DOMAIN) && ($IPV6_DOMAIN_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { $record->domain = NOT_SUPPORTED; return $record; } if (($mode == ZIPCODE) && ($IPV6_ZIPCODE_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { $record->zipcode = NOT_SUPPORTED; return $record; } if (($mode == TIMEZONE) && ($IPV6_TIMEZONE_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { $record->timezone = NOT_SUPPORTED; return $record; } if (($mode == NETSPEED) && ($IPV6_NETSPEED_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { $record->netspeed = NOT_SUPPORTED; return $record; } $realipno = IP2Location_ipv6_to_no($ipaddr); $handle = $ip->filehandle; $baseaddr = $ip->databaseaddr; $dbcount = $ip->databasecount; $dbcolumn = $ip->databasecolumn; $low = 0; $high = $dbcount; $mid = 0; $ipfrom = 0; $ipto = 0; $ipno = 0; if (bccomp($realipno, MAX_IPV6_RANGE) == 0) { $ipno = bcsub($realipno, 1); } else { $ipno = $realipno; } $record->country_short = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->country_long = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->region = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->city = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->isp = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->latitude = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->longitude = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->domain = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->zipcode = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->timezone = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->netspeed = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->ipaddr = $ipaddr; $record->ipno = $realipno; $count=0; while ($low <= $high) { $mid = (int)(($low + $high)/2); $ipfrom = IP2Location_read128($ip, $baseaddr + $mid * ($dbcolumn * 4 + 12)); $ipto = IP2Location_read128($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid + 1) * ($dbcolumn * 4 + 12)); $count++; if ((bccomp($ipno, $ipfrom) >= 0 ) and (bccomp($ipno,$ipto) < 0)) { if ($mode == COUNTRYSHORT) { $record->country_short = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_COUNTRY_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == COUNTRYLONG) { $record->country_long = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid * ($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_COUNTRY_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))+3); return $record; } if ($mode == REGION) { $record->region = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_REGION_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == CITY) { $record->city = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_CITY_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == ISP) { $record->isp = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_ISP_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == LATITUDE) { $record->latitude = IP2Location_readFloat($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_LATITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1)); return $record; } if ($mode == LONGITUDE) { $record->longitude = IP2Location_readFloat($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_LONGITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1)); return $record; } if ($mode == DOMAIN) { $record->domain = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_DOMAIN_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == ZIPCODE) { $record->zipcode = IP2Location_readStr($handle, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_ZIPCODE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == TIMEZONE) { $record->timezone = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_TIMEZONE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == NETSPEED) { $record->netspeed = IP2Location_readStr($handle, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_NETSPEED_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == ALL) { if ($IPV6_COUNTRY_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->country_short = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_COUNTRY_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); $record->country_long = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_COUNTRY_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))+3); } if ($IPV6_REGION_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->region = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_REGION_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); } if ($IPV6_CITY_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->city = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_CITY_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); } if ($IPV6_ISP_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->isp = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_ISP_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); } if ($IPV6_LATITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->latitude = IP2Location_readFloat($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_LATITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1)); } if ($IPV6_LONGITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->longitude = IP2Location_readFloat($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_LONGITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1)); } if ($IPV6_DOMAIN_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->domain = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_DOMAIN_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); } if ($IPV6_ZIPCODE_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->zipcode = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_ZIPCODE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); } if ($IPV6_TIMEZONE_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->timezone = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_TIMEZONE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); } if ($IPV6_NETSPEED_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->netspeed = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4 + 12) + 12 + 4 * ($IPV6_NETSPEED_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); } return $record; } } else { if (bccomp($ipno, $ipfrom) < 0) { $high = $mid - 1; } else { $low = $mid + 1; } } } return $record; } function IP2Location_get_record ($ip, $ipaddr, $mode) { $COUNTRY_POSITION = array(0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2); $REGION_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3); $CITY_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4); $ISP_POSITION = array(0, 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 7, 5, 7, 0, 8, 0, 9, 0, 9); $LATITUDE_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5); $LONGITUDE_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 0, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6); $DOMAIN_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 8, 0, 9, 0, 10,0, 10); $ZIPCODE_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 7, 7, 7, 0, 7); $TIMEZONE_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 7, 8); $NETSPEED_POSITION = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 11); $dbtype = $ip->databasetype; if (($mode == COUNTRYSHORT) && ($COUNTRY_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { return NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (($mode == COUNTRYLONG) && ($COUNTRY_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { return NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (($mode == REGION) && ($REGION_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { return NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (($mode == CITY) && ($CITY_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { return NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (($mode == ISP) && ($ISP_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { return NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (($mode == LATITUDE) && ($LATITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { return NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (($mode == LONGITUDE) && ($LONGITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { return NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (($mode == DOMAIN) && ($DOMAIN_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { return NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (($mode == ZIPCODE) && ($ZIPCODE_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { return NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (($mode == TIMEZONE) && ($TIMEZONE_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { $record->timezone = NOT_SUPPORTED; return $record; } if (($mode == NETSPEED) && ($NETSPEED_POSITION[$dbtype] == 0)) { $record->netspeed = NOT_SUPPORTED; return $record; } if ($ipaddr == "") { return NO_IP; } $record = new IP2LocationRecord; if (!IP2Location_ip_is_ipv4($ipaddr)) { $record->country_short = INVALID_IPV4_ADDRESS; $record->country_long = INVALID_IPV4_ADDRESS; $record->region = INVALID_IPV4_ADDRESS; $record->city = INVALID_IPV4_ADDRESS; $record->isp = INVALID_IPV4_ADDRESS; $record->latitude = INVALID_IPV4_ADDRESS; $record->longitude = INVALID_IPV4_ADDRESS; $record->domain = INVALID_IPV4_ADDRESS; $record->zipcode = INVALID_IPV4_ADDRESS; $record->timezone = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->netspeed = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->ipaddr = INVALID_IPV4_ADDRESS; $record->ipno = INVALID_IPV4_ADDRESS; return $record; } $ipaddr = IP2Location_name2ip($ipaddr); $realipno = IP2Location_ip2no($ipaddr); if ($realipno < 0) { $realipno += 4294967296; } $handle = $ip->filehandle; $baseaddr = $ip->databaseaddr; $dbcount = $ip->databasecount; $dbcolumn = $ip->databasecolumn; $low = 0; $high = $dbcount; $mid = 0; $ipfrom = 0; $ipto = 0; $ipno = 0; if ($realipno == MAX_IPV4_RANGE) { $ipno = $realipno - 1; } else { $ipno = $realipno; } $record = new IP2LocationRecord; $record->country_short = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->country_long = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->region = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->city = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->isp = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->latitude = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->longitude = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->domain = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->zipcode = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->timezone = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->netspeed = NOT_SUPPORTED; $record->ipaddr = $ipaddr; $record->ipno = $realipno; while ($low <= $high) { $mid = (int)(($low + $high)/2); $ipfrom = IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid * $dbcolumn * 4); $ipto = IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid + 1) * $dbcolumn * 4); if($ipfrom < 0) $ipfrom += pow(2,32); if($ipto < 0) $ipto += pow(2,32); if (($ipno >= $ipfrom) and ($ipno < $ipto)) { if ($mode == COUNTRYSHORT) { $record->country_short = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($COUNTRY_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == COUNTRYLONG) { $record->country_long = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($COUNTRY_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))+3); return $record; } if ($mode == REGION) { $record->region = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($REGION_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == CITY) { $record->city = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($CITY_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == ISP) { $record->isp = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($ISP_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == LATITUDE) { $record->latitude = IP2Location_readFloat($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($LATITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1)); return $record; } if ($mode == LONGITUDE) { $record->longitude = IP2Location_readFloat($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($LONGITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1)); return $record; } if ($mode == DOMAIN) { $record->domain = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($DOMAIN_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == ZIPCODE) { $record->zipcode = IP2Location_readStr($handle, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($ZIPCODE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == TIMEZONE) { $record->timezone = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($TIMEZONE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == NETSPEED) { $record->netspeed = IP2Location_readStr($handle, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + $mid *($dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($NETSPEED_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); return $record; } if ($mode == ALL) { if ($COUNTRY_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->country_short = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($COUNTRY_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); $record->country_long = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($COUNTRY_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))+3); } if ($REGION_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->region = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($REGION_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); } if ($CITY_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->city = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($CITY_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); } if ($ISP_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->isp = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($ISP_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); } if ($LATITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->latitude = IP2Location_readFloat($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($LATITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1)); } if ($LONGITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->longitude = IP2Location_readFloat($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($LONGITUDE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1)); } if ($DOMAIN_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->domain = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($DOMAIN_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); } if ($ZIPCODE_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->zipcode = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($ZIPCODE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); } if ($TIMEZONE_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->timezone = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($TIMEZONE_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); } if ($NETSPEED_POSITION[$dbtype] != 0) { $record->netspeed = IP2Location_readStr($ip, IP2Location_read32($ip, $baseaddr + ($mid * $dbcolumn * 4) + 4 * ($NETSPEED_POSITION[$dbtype]-1))); } return $record; } } else { if ($ipno < $ipfrom) { $high = $mid - 1; } else { $low = $mid + 1; } } } return $record; } function IP2Location_get_all ($ip, $ipaddr) { if ($ip->{"ipversion"} == IPV6) { return IP2Location_get_ipv6_record($ip, $ipaddr, ALL); } else { return IP2Location_get_record($ip, $ipaddr, ALL); } } function IP2Location_ip_is_ipv4 ($ipaddr) { if( !preg_match('/^[\d\.]+$/', $ipaddr) ) { return 0; } if(preg_match('/^\.|\.\.|\.$/', $ipaddr)) { return 0; } $iparray = preg_split('/\./', $ipaddr); if(count($iparray) < 1 or count($iparray) > 4) { return 0; } foreach ($iparray as $ipsub) { if($ipsub < 0 or $ipsub > 255) { return 0; } } return 1; } function IP2Location_ip_is_ipv6 ($ipaddr) { $n = substr_count($ipaddr, ":"); if ($n < 1 and $n > 7) { return (0); } $k = 0; foreach (preg_split('/:/',$ipaddr) as $ipsub) { $k++; if ($ipsub == '') { continue; } if (preg_match('/^[a-f\d]{1,4}$/i', $ipsub)) { continue; } if ($k == $n+1) { if (IP2Location_ip_is_ipv4($ipsub)) { // here we know it is embeded ipv4, should retrieve data from ipv4 db, pending... // the result of this will not be valid, since all characters are treated and calculated // in hex based. // In addition, embeded ipv4 requires 96 '0' bits. We need to check this too. continue; } } return 0; } $m = preg_match_all('/:(?=:)/', $ipaddr, $dummy); if ($m > 1 and $n < 7) { return 0; }; return 1; } function IP2Location_ipv6_to_no ($ipaddr) { $n = substr_count($ipaddr, ":"); if($n < 7) { $expanded = "::"; while($n < 7) { $expanded .= ":"; $n++; } $ipaddr = preg_replace("/::/", $expanded, $ipaddr); } $subLoc = 8; $ipv6no = "0"; foreach(preg_split('/:/', $ipaddr) as $ipsub) { $subLoc--; if($ipsub == '') { continue; } $ipv6no = bcadd( $ipv6no, bcmul(hexdec($ipsub), bcpow(hexdec('0x10000'), $subLoc))); } return $ipv6no; } ?>