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File: bootstrap.php

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  Classes of Dennis de Swart   PHP Stanford NLP Datastore   bootstrap.php   Download  
File: bootstrap.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Bootstrap script
Class: PHP Stanford NLP Datastore
Analyse text with NLP and stores in a database
Author: By
Last change: Upgrade to 2.0.0. Deleted "vendor" directory, improved README
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 1,870 bytes



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 * Log errors: Development purposes only.
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); // 300 seconds, because some analysis can take up to 1 or 2 minutes.

 * Use the online API?
 * IMPORTANT NOTE: For "Datastore" to work properly this needs to be off. The online API does not provide OpenIE data.
define('ONLINE_API', FALSE); //
  * Stanford API URL configuration
define('ONLINE_URL' , ''); // add url encoded text to the end

 * Guzzle is used to make HTTP calls to the CoreNLP server.
 * If true: HTTP calls are used (recommended)
 * If false: cURL command line is used
define('USE_GUZZLE', TRUE);
 * Java version configuration
define('CURLURL' , 'http://localhost:9000/');
// used for CoreNLP version 3.7.0
define('CURLPROPERTIES' , '%22prettyPrint%22%3A%22true%22');
// if you want specific annotators, you can do it like this:
    // define('CURLPROPERTIES' , '%22annotators%22%3A%22tokenize%2Cregexner%2Cparse%2Cdepparse%2Cpos%2Clemma%2Cmention%2Copenie%2Cner%2Ccoref%2Ckbp%22%2C%22prettyPrint%22%3A%22true%22');
 * Start composer autoloader
if(!@include_once(__DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php')) {
'<br />NLP Datastore error: could not load "Composer" files. <br /><br />'
. '- Run "composer update" on the command line<br />'
. '- If Composer is not installed, go to: <a href="">install Composer</a></p>';
 * Database directory constant
define('DB_DIR', __DIR__);
define('DB_NAME', 'datastore.db');

// You can use "$db->conn" to connect to the database
$db = new Database();