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File: x64_feeds.php

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File: x64_feeds.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: This is the main generator class
Class: x64 Feeds Generator
Generate cached XML feeds using templates
Author: By
Last change: The template engine now being used is x64Template.
Fixed some small bugs.
Changed the cache file format, now using serialize and base64.
Added support for a different MIME, so not only XML feeds can be generated.
Added UTC date tags, since some feed formats require that format.
Improved performance.
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 11,699 bytes



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<?php if(!class_exists("x64Template")) require_once("x64Template.php"); /** * x64 Feeds Generator * * This class can be used to generate feeds in different formats, being able to expand the supported feeds by adding the templates using the current tags * * NOTES: * *Caching is supported, it can read/write/manage, if you want to let it do everything, just start the class object, use init(), then set_data(), setup_generator() and finally auto_process(), which is going to use the cache if enabled, process the feeds and show them, by sending the header and finally exiting. * *If you extend this class and you add a get_data function, it can be used to retrieve the data that is going to be used for the feeds generation * * * @author Atomo64 - * @package x64 Feeds Generator * @version 1.1.1 * @copyright Atomo64 2005-2006 * * GNU General Public License (Version 2, October 2nd, 2005) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * */ class x64_feeds { /** * The format to be used. It is the template name * * @var string * @access public */ var $format; /** * The generated feeds * * @var string * @access public */ var $feeds; /** * The path to where the feeds generator is located * * @var string * @access public */ var $path; /** * The file name of the database(or the db name using the get_data function) * * @var string * @access public */ var $database; /** * The database variables * * @var array * @access private */ var $db_var=array(); /** * Some data for the feeds * * @var array * @access private */ var $setup=array(); /** * The feeds generator configuration * * @var array * @access private */ var $config=array(); /** * Enables/disables data caching, used by the feeds generator, is recommended to keep it true * * @var bool * @access public */ var $data_caching; /** * Array containing the content of some files, used for caching * * @var array * @access private * @see $this->data_caching */ var $data_cache=array(); /** * Return the feeds * Note: you must first call x64_feeds::process() * * @return string The feeds * @access public */ function put() { return $this->feeds; } /** * Sends the content header, the feeds and exits * @access public * @return void */ function send() { header('Content-type: '.(isset($this->config['mime'])) ? $this->config['mime'] : 'application/xml'); echo $this->feeds; exit; } /** * Retrieves the feeds from the cache, so it can be used with x64_feeds::put() or x64_feeds::send() * * @return bool * @access public */ function read_from_cache() { if($this->path===null) return false; $file=$this->path."cache/".$this->database."_".$this->format.".php"; if(!file_exists($file)) return false; // //If the file was already loaded before then we don't try to read it // again if data_caching is enabled // if($this->data_caching&&isset($this->data_cache[$file])) $data=$this->data_cache[$file]; else $data=file($file); // //If data_caching is enabled and the file wasn't already loaded // before then we add to the data_cache // if($this->data_caching&&!isset($this->data_cache[$file])) $this->data_cache[$file]=$data; // //We unserialize the cached data // $data=unserialize($data[1]); $this->feeds=base64_decode($data['data']); return true; } /** * Retrieves when the cached feeds were created/generated * * @return mixed Returns false if failed to open the cache file, or the time * @access public */ function get_cache_creation_time() { if($this->path===null) return false; $file=$this->path."cache/".$this->database."_".$this->format.".php"; if(!file_exists($file)) return false; // //If the file was already loaded before then we don't try to read it // again if data_caching is enabled // if($this->data_caching&&isset($this->data_cache[$file])) $data=$this->data_cache[$file]; else $data=file($file); // //If data_caching is enabled and the file wasn't already loaded // before then we add to the data_cache // if($this->data_caching&&!isset($this->data_cache[$file])) $this->data_cache[$file]=$data; $data=unserialize($data[1]); $time=$data['time']; settype($time,'integer'); return $time; } /** * Generates and sends the feeds, it supports caching system * * @access public */ function auto_process() { if($this->config['cache']) { $time=$this->get_cache_creation_time(); if($time!==false&&((time()-$time)<=$this->config['cache_expire']||$this->config['cache_expire']===0)) { $this->read_from_cache(); $this->send(); } } { $this->process(); $this->send(); } } /** * Generate the feeds * * @return bool False only if caching failed * @access public * @see $this->put(), $this->send() */ function process($if=false) { if(isset($this->get_data)) $this->db_var=$this->get_data(); else { $this->db_var=file($this->database); $this->db_var[0]=''; $this->db_var[count($this->db_var)-1]=''; $this->db_var=$this->array_remove_empties($this->db_var); } // //Here we remove the (possible) extra entries that we got // according to the limit given by the config // if(($n=(count($this->db_var)-$this->config['max']))>0) { $n--; while($n>=0) $this->db_var[($n--)+$this->config['max']]=''; } $this->db_var=$this->array_remove_empties($this->db_var); if(!isset($this->get_data)||!isset($this->get_data_processed)) { $n=0; foreach ($this->db_var as $v) { $title=''; $author=''; $link=''; $mail=''; $description=''; $category=''; $published=''; $id=''; parse_str($v); $data[$n]['title']=htmlentities($title); $data[$n]['author']=htmlentities($author); $data[$n]['mail']=htmlentities($mail); $data[$n]['link']=htmlentities($link); $data[$n]['description']=htmlentities($description); $data[$n]['category']=htmlentities($category); $data[$n]['published']=htmlentities(date('D, d M Y H:i:s T',$published)); $data[$n]['published_utc']=htmlentities(gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s T',$published)); $data[$n]['id']=htmlentities($id); $n++; } } else $data=$this->db_var; $tpl=new x64Template(FALSE); $tpl->set('title',htmlentities($this->setup['title'])); $tpl->set('creator',htmlentities($this->setup['author'])); $tpl->set('link',htmlentities($this->setup['link'])); $tpl->set('description',htmlentities($this->setup['description'])); $tpl->set('language',htmlentities($this->setup['language'])); $tpl->set('charset',htmlentities($this->setup['charset'])); $tpl->set('generator',htmlentities('Atomo64 Feeds Generator 1.1.1')); $tpl->set('generator_link',htmlentities('')); $tpl->set('date',htmlentities(date('D, d M Y H:i:s T'))); $tpl->set('date_utc',htmlentities(gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s T'))); $tpl->set('items',$data,$if); $tpl->set('id',htmlentities($this->database)); $tpl->set('last_build',$data[0]['published']); $tpl->set('last_build_utc',$data[0]['published_utc']); $link=$this->setup['link'].$this->config['path']; if($this->config['query_format']=='query') $link.='format='.urlencode($this->format); else $link.=urlencode($this->format).'.xml'; $tpl->set('feed_link',htmlentities($link)); $this->feeds=$tpl->fetch($this->path.'templates/'.$this->format.'.tpl'); if($this->config['cache']) { if(($fp=fopen($this->path."cache/".$this->database."_".$this->format.".php","w"))==false) return false; $cached="<?php /*\n". serialize(array('time'=>time(),'data'=>base64_encode($this->feeds))). "\n */ ?>"; fwrite($fp,$cached,strlen($cached)); fclose($fp); } return true; } /** * Change the values that are going to be used to generate the feeds * * @param string $title The feeds title * @param string $author The author of the feeds * @param string $link The link to your website * @param string $description A description about what your feeds are about * @param string $language Language code of the feeds, e.g. english is 'en', spanish is 'es' * @param string $charset The charset used for the feeds * @access public */ function set_data($title='My Website Feeds',$author='Me',$link='',$description='Keep updated about what I do',$language='en',$charset='iso-8859-1') { $this->setup['title']=$title; $this->setup['author']=$author; $this->setup['link']=$link; $this->setup['language']=$language; $this->setup['description']=$description; $this->setup['charset']=$charset; } /** * Change the settings for the feeds generator(usage) * * @param int $max_entries The number of max items that are going to be displayed * @param string $path The path used in the query string * @param string $query_format The kind of query, e.g. feeds.php?rss200.xml or feeds.php?format=rss200 * @param bool $cache Enables or disables feeds caching * @param int $cache_expire The cache expiration time(0 is never) * @param bool $data_caching Enables/disables data caching, used by the feeds generator, is recommended to keep it true * @param string $mime The content-type header value to be sent to the client * @access public */ function setup_generator($max_entries=15,$path='feeds.php?',$query_format='path',$cache=false,$cache_expire=3600,$data_caching=true,$mime='application/xml') { $this->config['max']=$max_entries; $this->config['path']=$path; $this->config['query_format']=$query_format; $this->config['cache']=$cache; $this->config['cache_expire']=$cache_expire; $this->config['mime']=$mime; $this->data_caching=$data_caching; } /** * Class initializer * * @param string $database The file name of the database(or the db name using the get_data function) * @param string $path The path to where the feeds generator is located * @access public */ function x64_feeds($database='',$path='') { $this->path=$path; $this->database=$database; $this->db_var=array(); } /** * Initiates the feeds by setting some vars * * @param string $format * @param bool $no_autosetup By default this function calls the $this->set_data() and$this->setup_generator() functions in order to set some required vars, if your script calls both functions then you can set this value to true * @return bool false if the template file doesn't exists * @access public */ function init($format='rss200',$no_autosetup=false) { if(!file_exists($this->path.'templates/'.$format.'.tpl')) return false; $this->format=$format; if(!$no_autosetup) { $this->set_data(); $this->setup_generator(); } return true; } /** * Removes empty entries from an array * * @param array $array * @return array * @access private */ function array_remove_empties($array) { $new_array=array(); $temp=''; foreach ($array as $key=>$value) { if(is_array($value)) $new_array[$key]=$this->array_remove_empties($value); else { $temp=trim($value); if(!empty($temp)||$value===0) $new_array[$key]=$value; } } return $new_array; } } ?>