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File: tools/check_i18n_defs.php

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  Classes of Alan H. Lake   I18N class   tools/check_i18n_defs.php   Download  
File: tools/check_i18n_defs.php
Role: Application script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Program to validate I18N code in programs and in Locale files/table
Class: I18N class
Get translation texts from different containers
Author: By
Last change: Change reference to ".inc" files to ".inc.php" for greater security.
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 10,278 bytes



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<?php /* check_i18n_defs.php - Validate XL() call definitions Copyright (C) 2005 Alan H. Lake This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Current version: 1.0.1 (September 10, 2005) */ require ("useful.php"); require (""); require ("../"); // Name of this script (may be the path to this script) $ScriptName = "check_i18n_defs.php"; // Array of known locale information storage types $localetypes = array ( "onefile" => "Monolithic locale file for each locale", "severalfiles" => "Locale files for each locale, " . "split by first letter", "dbm" => "DBM database for each locale", "SQL" => "SQL database" ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function DisplayLocaleTypeForm() { // Display the form requesting storage type // Global variables global $localetypes; global $ScriptName; // Display the form echo "<p><h2>Check I18N Definitions</h2></p>\n"; echo "<p><br><form action=\"$ScriptName\" method=POST>\n"; echo "Please select the appropriate storage mechanism.\n"; DisplaySelect ($localetypes, "localetype"); echo "<br><br><input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"Continue\">"; echo "</form>\n"; } function DisplayLocalePathForm() { // Display the form requesting locale path // Global variables global $localetypes; global $ScriptName; global $localetype; // Display the form echo "<p><h2>Check I18N Definitions</h2></p>\n"; echo "<p>Locale Type: $localetype</p>"; echo "<p><br><form action=\"$ScriptName\" method=POST>\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=localetype value=\"$localetype\">\n"; echo "Please enter the path to the locale files.\n"; echo "<input maxlen=255 size=50 name=localepath><br><br>\n"; echo "<br><br><input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"Continue\">"; echo "</form>\n"; } function DisplayLocaleSelectionForm ($localepath, $localetype) { // Display the form requesting selection of a locale to test global $localetypes; global $ScriptName; global $oLang; $locales = BuildLocaleList ($localepath, $localetype); if (empty ($locales) and $localetype != "SQL") die ("<p>The locale path you specified does not contain " . "any translation files based on the storage mechanism " . "you selected ($localetypes[$localetype] in $localepath). " . "<a href=\"$ScriptName\">Please try again.</a>\n"); echo "<p><h2>Check I18N Definitions</h2></p>\n"; echo "<p>Locale Type: $localetype</p>"; if(isset($localepath) and strlen($localepath) > 0) echo "<p>Locale Path: $localepath</p>"; echo "<p><br><form action=\"$ScriptName\" method=POST>\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=localepath value=\"$localepath\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=localetype value=\"$localetype\">\n"; echo "Locale to check: "; DisplaySelect ($locales, "selectedlocale"); echo "<br><br><input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"Continue\">"; echo "</form>\n"; } function DisplayFileSelectionForm ($localepath, $localetype,$selectedlocale) { // Displays a form where people can enter filenames to check global $ScriptName; echo "<p><h2>Check I18N Definitions</h2></p>\n"; echo "<p>Locale Type: $localetype</p>"; if(isset($localepath) and strlen($localepath) > 0) echo "<p>Locale Path: $localepath</p>"; echo "<p>Locale: $selectedlocale</p>"; echo "<p>Please enter the list of files (including path) ", "you wish to check.<br>\n"; echo "<p><br><form action=\"$ScriptName\" method=POST>\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=localepath value=\"$localepath\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=localetype value=\"$localetype\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=selectedlocale value=", "\"$selectedlocale\">\n"; echo "<textarea name=selectedfiles cols=60 rows=16>", "</textarea>\n"; echo "<br><br><input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"Continue\">"; echo "</form>\n"; } function PerformAnalysis ($localepath, $localetype, $selectedlocale, $selectedfiles) { // Perform analysis of the source files and translation data, // displaying this analysis. // Global variables global $localetypes; global $oLang; echo "<p><h2>Check I18N Definitions</h2></p>\n"; echo "<p><b>Performing analysis of selected locale and sources</b>\n"; echo "<p>Locale type: $localetypes[$localetype]<br />\n"; if(isset($localepath) and strlen($localepath) > 0) echo "Locale Path: $localepath<br />\n"; echo "Selected locale: $selectedlocale<br />\n"; // Split the source filenames up into an array $count = preg_match_all("/\S+/", $selectedfiles, $filelist); echo "Source files:<br />"; // Generate an array of the strings requested from calls to XL $required_strings = array(); while (list ($index, $value) = each ($filelist[0])) { if (!empty ($value)) { echo " $value<br />"; $required_strings = BuildXLCallList ($value,$required_strings); } } echo "<p>We have counted ", count ($required_strings), " unique requests in the specified source files.</p>"; $available_strings = ReadAllLocaleData ($localepath, $localetype,$selectedlocale); echo "<br>Read ", count ($available_strings)," translated strings from files.\n"; echo "<p>The following variables do not appear in the translation data:\n"; CheckForMissing ($required_strings, $available_strings); echo "</p><p>The following Identifiers in the translation data are not used in a program\n"; CheckForExtra ($required_strings, $available_strings); echo "</p>Done.\n"; } // Look for XL() calls which look for nonexistant values function CheckForMissing($required_strings, $available_strings) { while (list ($key, $value) = each ($required_strings)) { if (!isset ($available_strings[$key])) { echo "<br />\"$key\"\n"; } } } // Look for values which are never requested by XL() calls function CheckForExtra ($required_strings, $available_strings) { while (list ($key, $value) = each ($available_strings)) { if (!isset ($required_strings[$key])) { echo "<br />\"$key\"\n"; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Our main code blocks session_name("check_i18n_defs"); session_start(); if(isset($_POST['localetype'])) $localetype = $_POST['localetype']; if(isset($_POST['localepath'])) $localepath = $_POST['localepath']; if(isset($_POST['selectedlocale'])) $selectedlocale = $_POST['selectedlocale']; if(isset($_POST['selectedfiles'])) $selectedfiles = $_POST['selectedfiles']; if (isset ($localepath)) { if (substr ($localepath, strlen ($localepath) - 1) != "/") $localepath .= "/"; if (!is_dir ($localepath)) die ("<p>The locale path you specified does not exist or " . "is otherwise invalid. <a href=\"$ScriptName\">" . "Please try again.</a>\n"); } if(!isset($localetype)){ DisplayLocaleTypeForm(); } elseif (!isset ($localepath) and $localetype != "SQL") { DisplayLocalePathForm(); } elseif (!isset ($selectedlocale)) { if($localetype == "SQL") { include_once "../rfc1766.class.php"; if(!isset($oRfc1766)){ $oRfc1766 = new rfc1766_class; $_SESSION['oRfc1766'] = $oRfc1766; } include_once "../i18n.class.php"; $oI18N = new I18N_class; include_once "../langTable.class.php"; if(!isset($oLang)){ $oLang = new LangTable_class($host,$user,$password,$db,$table); $_SESSION['oLang'] = $oLang; } $oLang->OpenDb(); if(!$oLang->TableExists()) $oLang->CreateTable(); } if(!isset($localepath)) $localepath = '/'; DisplayLocaleSelectionForm ($localepath, $localetype); } elseif (!isset ($selectedfiles)) { DisplayFileSelectionForm ($localepath, $localetype, $selectedlocale); } else { $selectedfiles = trim($selectedfiles); if(substr($selectedfiles,-2) == '/*'){ $path = substr($selectedfiles,0,strlen($selectedfiles)-2); $selectedfiles = GetFiles($path); } PerformAnalysis ($localepath, $localetype, $selectedlocale,$selectedfiles); } function GetFiles($path){ if($h = opendir($path)){ while(false !== ($file = readdir($h))){ if(substr($file,-4) == '.php') $result .= ' '.$path.'/'.$file; elseif(is_dir($path.'/'.$file) and $file != '.' and $file != '..') { $result .= GetFiles($path.'/'.$file); } } } return($result); } ?>