Hello Php Lovers,
Apk Parser is a pure php library to read some information from Android .apk files. Has some issues and need some enhancements for next versions. If you want to contribute this project read below.
Core Contributing
It’s a cleanly written project, I’ve read some parser libraries written in java then implemented it to pure php, some binary actions and language auto conversions generating errors, so there are some errors in parsing. You can examine some really good working parsers to understand the BinaryXml (Axml) consept to help to this library.
Some Parsers:
https://github.com/joakime/android-apk-parser https://code.google.com/p/android-apktool/
The library hasn’t got any documentation, you can use it easly by looking on example folder but its not enough for developers understand how its working. If you want to write some documentations, you can examine the library and write documents about classes / examples / methods etc.Unit Test
Just started to write unit test for the library, but it’s only for main methods they already working fine; Unit test is really important to make it more stable and understandable for developers.
How to start?
Phpclases.org is the best platform to find php libraries, there are many professionals. It doesn’t have a versioning system but it has a great integration to git and svn servers.
If you have some idea or want to write some code review the github repo fork review it and sende pull request!